Are we truly free to shape our destinies, or has our path been written since birth? In this deeply thought-provoking episode of The School of Divine Mysteries, Aba Al-Sadiq (FHIP) and his adopted daughter Emaan tackle one of the most enduring debates in human history: the tension between free will and predestination. Drawing wisdom from the Quran, Bible, Gnostic scriptures, and Hadith, Aba Al-Sadiq weaves together ancient insights to shed light on this spiritual paradox. With clarity and grace, he dissects the texts to unveil a conclusion that might surprise even the most seasoned seekers of truth. Prepare to question everything you thought you knew about human nature, morality, and divine will. Join the conversation, embrace the mystery, and discover how this debate could transform your understanding of life and your place in the cosmos. Don’t miss this groundbreaking discussion—watch now and share your thoughts in the comments!