I'm pretty sure you're going to agree that Megan is AWESOME. And yes, she seriously walks us through HOW to use story in marketing and why that is effective--more so than any other guest I've had on the podcast. Thank you, Megan!
But we also talk about soooooo many other juicy things. We dig into the thing we see often--people talking about income in order to sell their programs. We look at Motherhood and Being a Business Owner and patriarchal messaging we get around that.
And we continue the conversation I love to have with everyone--how we actually mimic (and therefore reinforce) the patriarchy and other systems of injustice! Ugh. We don't know we are doing it because we know what we know and we don't know what we don't know--BUT YOU ARE HERE LEARNING WHAT YOU DON'T KNOW AND THAT IS SO FREAKING AWESOME AND I LOVE YOU!
I can't do this without you and it would be really lovely if you took a moment to subscribe, review, and share that would truly be awesome!
LINKS: Megan on IG: https://www.instagram.com/withmegandowd/
Megan's website: https://withmegandowd.com/
Elijah on IG: https://www.instagram.com/elijahshannonselby/
Elijah's website: https://www.thefemininerising.world/