
  • 061. Lass dir Zeit mit Anastasia Barner

    Anastasia Barner gehört zu den jüngsten Gründerinnen Deutschlands und weiß, worauf es bei der Gründung wirklich ankommt. Ihr Buch "(Ge)Gründet - Start-up-Szene uncovered" ist am 10. Oktober 2023 erschienen und bietet einen spannenden Blick hinter die Kulissen der deutschen Start-up-Szene.

    2019 hat Anastasia FeMentor, die erste Reverse Mentoring Plattform in Europa, gegründet.

    Sie ist TEDx Speakerin und hat über 200 Talks zum Thema Gen Z, Reverse Mentoring und die Startup Szene gehalten.

    Anastasia ist mehrfach ausgezeichnet mit u.a. dem BZ Berliner Helden Preis und Femtec Award. Sie ist die jüngste Mentorin bei der Westerwelle Foundation und an der Humboldt Universität Berlin. Als Generation Z berät sie Unternehmen und Universitäten, wie die neue Generation angesprochen werden möchte und klärt in Themen Social Media auf.

    In dieser Folge sprechen Anastasia und ich darüber

    • warum Anastasia schon mit 23 Jahren ihre Bucket List erfüllt hat,
    • wie es sich anfühlt so jung schon so viel erreicht zu haben,
    • warum Anastasia eine Reverse Mentoring Plattform gegründet hat,
    • und vieles, vieles mehr.

    Es ist immer besonders schön, in "Echt" mit einem Gast zu sprechen. Es entsteht ganz unbeschwert ein natürliches Gespräch. Online ist es manchmal etwas weniger unbeschwert. Wir haben viel gelacht und dabei habe ich viel über Anastasia und ihren Lebensweg gelernt.


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    Wenn du neugierig geworden bist und Anastasia's Buch lesen willst, hier gibt es direkt beim Haufe Verlag.

    Mehr über Anastasia's Startup FeMentor gibt es hier.

    Und wer Anastasia auf Instagram folgen möchte kann das hier.

    ⁠Mehr über meine Arbeit findest du auf meiner Website⁠⁠⁠⁠ und auf Instagram unter ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠@sophiaonearth⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ und ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠@humanatheartpodcast⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠.

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    53 分
  • 060. Tapped on the Shoulder

    Recently, I noticed that I was doing many things because they "make sense" or they are a good strategy. But I wasn't really feeling inspired about them.

    To move from a place of inspiration is what this idea of being tapped on the shoulder is all about. It's this voice, this idea that comes to you and asked for you to take it in and spend time with it and allow it to inspire you to action.

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    14 分
  • 059. Wisdom Seekers with Nick Luebke

    Nick Luebke is a wisdom seeker who loves to explore the bigger questions of life. On social media he shares the wisdom he finds in hopes of sparking a conversation and hopefully helping others.

    I really resonate with the word "wisdom" as it is the meaning of my name. What it truly means to be a wisdom seeker is what Nick and I talk about in this episode.

    We get into

    • what made Nick a wisdom seeker,
    • why it's important to feel our emotions, and
    • how community can change the course of our lives.

    This is for all the wisdom seekers out there - you are not alone!


    You can join Nick's Sunday Book Club and read together with him and his community.

    Grab a book from his Amazon bookshelf.

    Follow Nick on Instagram.

    Learn more about my work and how to be part of my community⁠ and follow us on Instagram ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠@sophiaonearth⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ and ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠@humanatheartpodcast⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠.

    Until next time, stay human ✌🏼

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    50 分
  • 058. Independent Women with Carla Biesinger

    My guest today is Carla Biesinger. Carla is a business mentor and online course creator who helps women build profitable businesses through the power of online marketing.

    After building a 7-figure business in Argentina, she felt compelled to teach her methods of online growth to other business owners. She launched her first online course in 2016 and has since taught over 7,000 clients how to grow their brand, audience, an income online. Her proven methodology focuses on building authentic relationships, using “attraction marketing” in order to turn followers into email subscribers and therefore revenue-generating clients. Her clients are women from all around the world including jewelry designers, health coaches, authors, artists, all with one goal: to build profitable online businesses that will create more freedom, independence, and wealth.

    In this episode, Carla and I talk about

    • why women often support somebody else's vision and not their own,
    • how we as women get to build a meaningful life for yourselves,
    • if women can truly have it all, and
    • the freedom and the challenges of being an entrepreneur.

    Obviously, I am super curious about humans. As a woman, I love to understand what moves us as women. I noticed for myself that it's very easy for me to help others fulfil their dreams. I slip into it and have to remind myself, wait, what do I actually want. What is the life I want to live. Don't get me wrong, there is no shame in supporting our loved ones or even an employer in realizing their visions... as long as it is a conscious choice.

    So, what do you choose? How do you CHOOSE to live your life? What makes your life meaningful for YOU?


    ⁠Join Carla's Passive Income Accelerator

    Carla's Website

    ⁠⁠⁠Follow Carla on Instagram⁠

    Learn more about my work and how to be part of my community⁠ and follow us on Instagram ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠@sophiaonearth⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ and ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠@humanatheartpodcast⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠.

    Until next time, stay human ✌🏼

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    50 分
  • 057. Offline with Alex Waters

    My guest today is Alex Waters. Alex is an international speaker and highly trusted certified trauma informed Master Coach. He has extensive experience & training in the fields of ancient plant medicine, somatic therapy, NLP, simple and complex trauma, Inner Child work, intimacy work, tantra and masculine & feminine embodiment work. Alex founded the Infinite Potential retreat in 2020 after being consistently asked to offer a space for people to work with the plant medicine.

    Alex is also a successful entrepreneur having scaled three 7 figure companies, generated over $12m in revenue across his companies since 2015, and sold two businesses for $1.1m.

    This unique blend of ancient spirituality and modern day "real world skills" positions Alex as a rare leader combining the "Being" with the "Doing", supporting you to integrate powerful internal shifts with the external world.

    In this episode, Alex and I speak about

    • what is possible when we take a leap beyond the fear into the unknown,
    • why Alex created the law of requirement,
    • what we are missing out on when we build our life around social media, and
    • how being "offline" creates its own opportunities.

    I’ve been sitting with this question "How do I really want to live my life?" deeply for over a year. It is the question that has been at the root of most of what I’ve been moving through. When chatting with Alex I remember him putting it really well. You gets to live your life however you choose. The important part is to remember that you have a CHOICE. You don’t have to work a full-time job, but you can if you so choose. You don’t have to spend your time on your phone, but you can if you so choose. 

    As long as we remember that we have a choice, it’s up to us to design our lives and relationships and all the things in a way that truly works for us. In our choice is also our power. When we let the opinions of others or the ideas of society choose for us. I found that when I can make whatever I am experiencing about choosing how I want to relate to that, then I am empowered. 


    Join the Waitlist for Alex' next Infinite Potential Retreat

    ⁠⁠Follow Alex on Instagram (if he's online)⁠

    Learn more about my work and how to be part of my community⁠ and follow us on Instagram ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠@sophiaonearth⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ and ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠@humanatheartpodcast⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠.

    Until next time, stay human ✌🏼

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    1 時間 4 分
  • 056. Food For Thought mit Sophie Radke

    Sophie ist selbstständige Marketing Expertin, Mentorin und hauptberuflich Foodie. Sie liebt es, ihre Erfahrungen als Gründerin, Manager und Mensch mit jedem zu teilen, der es wissen möchte.

    In dieser Folge sprechen Sophie und ich darüber

    • warum wir nicht immer lernen, unserer Leidenschaft zu folgen
    • worauf es in einem Startup wirklich ankommt und
    • wie wir unser Arbeiten menschlicher machen können

    Es hat wirklich Spaß gemacht, mit Sophie zu sprechen. Sie ist auch dafür bekannt, dass Menschen gerne mit ihr ins Gespräch kommen. Im Hintergrund hört man mich immer wieder herzlich lachen.


    Sophie's Website

    Sophie auf Instagram

    ⁠Mehr über meine Arbeit findest du auf meiner Website⁠⁠⁠ und auf Instagram unter ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠@sophiaonearth⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ und ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠@humanatheartpodcast⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠.

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    50 分
  • 055. Money Awakening with Selomé Samuel

    As they say, money is never the problem, your relationship with it is. Money itself is neutral, it’s whatever you make it to be that makes us a magnet or a repellant for money. It can be the source of all evil or a tool to create a huge impact in this world. It’s up to you!

    This week I'm excited to talk to Selomé Samuel about money.

    Selomé is a certified trauma-informed Financial and Life Coach who is on a mission to help people realize that anyone can be good with money. She is also a photographer and a DJ and through doing this work realized how much money stress can interrupt your creative flow. She especially loves to work with folks who have been underserved by traditional financial education, namely women and people of color.

    In this episode, Selomé and I talk about:

    • why our society glorifies overwork
    • why rest is resistance
    • how our upbringing affects the beliefs we have around money
    • how we can shift our money stories and create abundance in our lives.

    As I have shared before, learning and talking about rest has a big theme for me in the past couple of months. So this is a juicy episode on all fronts!


    Selomé's Website⁠

    ⁠Selomé on Instagram⁠

    Learn more about my work and how to be part of my community⁠ and follow us on Instagram ⁠⁠⁠⁠@sophiaonearth⁠⁠⁠⁠ and ⁠⁠⁠⁠@humanatheartpodcast⁠⁠⁠⁠.

    Until next time, stay human ✌🏼

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    54 分
  • 054. Opportunities

    Today's thought is simple. You're hoping for an opportunity? F*** that. You are a powerful being and you have the power to create your own opportunities. Waiting for someone to discover your talent, to read your manuscript, to ask to take your business to the next level? Stop. Right. Now. Whatever you desire, whatever opportunity you're hoping for you can create it for yourself. Maybe it's not a one stop shop. Maybe it requires more steps. Doesn't matter. Just take them.

    In this episode I talk about:

    • The difference between manifestation and getting into action mode,
    • Why opportunities don't always fall into your lap,
    • How to create the experiences and opportunities you're hoping for.

    In short: You get to create your own opportunities. Don't wait around for other people to take action on your desires. You be about it.

    Learn more about my work and how to be part of my community⁠ and follow us on Instagram ⁠⁠⁠@sophiaonearth⁠⁠⁠ and ⁠⁠⁠@humanatheartpodcast⁠⁠⁠.

    Until next time, stay human ✌🏼

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