• 7. When We Were Like Dry Bones, God Breathed the Living Breath on Us and Brought Us Back to Life (Ezekiel 37:1-14)

    God showed the Prophet Ezekiel a valley full of bones. God said to him, “Ezekiel, can these bones live?” The Prophet Ezekiel answered and said, “Lord, You know.” God then said to him, “I command you to prophesy to these bones and say, ‘Dry bones, hear the Word of the Lord,’ and the Prophet Ezekiel prophesied the Word of God exactly as God commanded, saying, “Breath, breathe on these slain, that they may live.” Breath then came into these bones, they turned into the living, and their number was like an exceedingly great army.
    This Word of prophecy was all about how God would work on the people of Israel. Having been enslaved for 70 years, the people of Israel were now fully cognizant of their wrongdoings. They were full of regrets, wondering to themselves, “How did we turn into such rebellious sinners, when we received so much grace, love, and privileges from God?”



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