Episode 15 "Innovative Approaches to Heart Health and Preventive Care" Guest: Dr. David Montgomery (The Good Dr. Dave) Our special guest is Dr. David Montgomery. He is a board certified cardiologist, and he focuses on preventing heart disease in an innovative clinic in Atlanta, called the PREvent clinic is Dr. Dave is also a sought after TV personality and digital health content creator. He really believes that mass media and social media can play a really important role in educating patients and consumers about their health Dr. Montgomery discusses his innovative approach to preventive cardiology, emphasizing the importance of making healthcare enjoyable and patient-friendly to improve compliance and outcomes. He highlights the role of patient education and accountability, and the use of technology and data to enhance care. The conversation also covers the impact of GLP-1 receptor agonists on obesity and heart disease. To learn more about Dr Dave go to http://www.davemontgomerymd.com. To visit his clinics' website click here.