Welcome to Curated Souls Podcast with Lori Young.
A full time artist, mom to 4 and wife. I am wholeheartedly passionate about loving people well right where they {{ you }} are. This is a place to share creativity, encouragement, and have safe and hard conversations. To examine the systems that are no longer serving the people that they were designed to protect. I would love to encourage and walk along side you and discover ways to do this life in a way that can offer hope and grace in new ways.
I am an advocate for adoption, mental health, and around here we don't allow disabilities to define or set limits. You can almost always find me with a paint brush and always singing... This life is short, messy, and hard. It is also full of wonder to be found if you are willing to step out of the way and allow yourself to explore.
I hope to be a voice you hear when you need encouragement, a gentle nudge or pep talk. Though, in all things, I hope you feel the love of Jesus. It's not really about who I am, rather, who He is.
Let's be Friends.
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Connect with me on
Facebook: @curatedsoulsbyloriyoung
Instagram: @curatedsoulsbyloriyoung
Pinterest: @loriy
Blog: https://www.vintagecharmrestored.com