How do you know the Bible is the Word of God? That’s a question Christians should be prepared to answer, particularly since we claim to base our lives, and our eternity, on the truths contained in the words of Scripture. In this message from 2 Timothy 3:16, David Platt offers seven reasons we can be confident that the Bible is God’s Word. Whether you’re a Christian looking to strengthen your trust in God’s Word or a non-Christian who is curious about the claims of Christianity, the spiritual stakes are too high for us to be left wondering about the Bible’s authority. These words have been breathed out by God himself.
Have you signed up for Secret Church 25 yet? It’s happening online on April 11, and we’d love for you to join us. We’ll spend six hours together studying the book of Matthew, discovering how to make our lives truly count, and praying for our persecuted brothers and sisters around the world. Prices go up after February 25, so register today at radical.net/sc25 – We’d love to see you there.
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