Not only will you have a great time but you'll also be in style this week as the guys are joined by Lissa Cunningham of LZC Style talking fashion and other things...
Mr. Fun's Joke of the Week...the drink of the week "Scotty's Paris Punch"...the guy's get their "fashion" reviewed...if Lucky's jacket fits you must...coming out of the closet is easy with Lissa...the 90's are back (cargos and undershirts that is)...we shouldn't go (country) clubbin'...Biff belts it out...Lissa answers age old questions...Mr. Fun's gets a gift and gives us a risque joke...Bonus time with Lissa!
The Drink of the Week
"Scotty's Paris Punch"
1 part Scotty's Vodka
1 part Orange Juice
1 part Pelligrino Mandarin
serve over ice
For more fashion help go to:
For more vodka go to:
For more Rockfish music go to:
The views expressed on Talk About with Biff, Lucky and Mr. Fun are the speaker's own and are intended for education and entertainment purposes only and do not constitute advice or services. Additionally this podcast is for private use and guests and speakers views do not necessarily reflect any organization or company.