
  • Stop and Start Again (Say Yes to Yourself)

    Do you feel as if life is just happening too fast? Things are spinning a little swiftly for you and it's almost as if you're about to lose your footing? Friend, you are not alone I have been right there in the same spot! I had to STOP  and START AGAIN from a better headspace. I had to recognize that discouragement had crept in and I was operating on fumes, my mental and emotional tank was only one quarter of the way full.  I was spiraling down quickly and I didn't even recognize it until it was almost too late. I had almost threw in the towel and completely abandoned my dreams. Listen to this podcast and allow it to minister to you. It's NEVER too late to START OVER from a better spot!

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    17 分
  • Permission Slip (I am OVER My Flesh)

    In this episode I speak about my desire to do good, but evil always being present.. Have you sinned since you've been a follower of Christ? So have I, several times. I am OVER my sinful nature! But, the only way to properly overcome this nature is to embrace my humanity and realize that perfection on this side of heaven will not be obtained. I also realized in this walk with Christ that I cannot continue to feed my carnal nature and expect to always be successful in following after God's will for my life. I hope my transparency blesses your life.

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    24 分
  • If I Could Time Travel

    Am I the only person who once upon a time thought about how amazing and beneficial it would be to have the ability to time travel? Usually when we think about having the ability to time travel, we desire to either go BACK to "fix", do, or prevent something and/or we would like to jump forward to see what the future holds. I strongly believe if we were to tinker with our past and or futures, we would regret it in the long run. Not only that, but we would throw our lives completely off track, and we would totally MISS divine appointments we were destined to make. The amazing thing about TODAY is we all have the choice to GROW, to make a great decision in REALTIME  and to become a higher version of ourselves.  We cannot live in yesterday, regretting and operating in the thinking pattern of "shoulda, woulda, coulda. I hope this episode blesses your life.

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    20 分
  • Guard Your Heart and Keep The Peace

    Are you experiencing inner peace right now in your life? If not, what is it contributed to? Is it something to do with yourslef, or is it associated with who you've allowed to enter into your intimate spaces of life? It is time that we protect our lives just as diligently as we protect our homes. Our homes are secured with locks, alarms, fences and gates. Some of us even have weapons to protect us from potential perpetrators, but we don't hold the same level of care when it comes to the boundaries that should exist regarding our intimate space and heart. Today's episode is designed to encourage us to evaluate who and what we are allowing in our hearts. Be blessed!

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    22 分
  • The Royal Campaign (Be In The Know)

    This episode is so near and dear to my heart because I know without a shadow of a doubt that I was born to encourage and empower people, ESPECIALLY women. Sis, you are a QUEEN! You are royalty! You are loved! You are needed! You are wanted! You are the ANSWER to somebody's prayer! You deserve the very BEST life has to offer! This episode is pure encouragement for YOU Sis! I hope this will bless you and set a fire in your soul that will burn forever! You are ROYAL!! 

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    17 分
  • I Feel

    Do you ever "feel" like you're not good enough? Do you ever "feel" like you can conquer the world? Do you ever "feel" like you're a fraud? Have you ever felt as if you can accomplish everything and nothing at all in the same day? I know how that feels, and it is exhausting! Sometimes our feelings and emotions can be all over the place, causing us to miss out on the emotionally healthy life God gifted us through Jesus! Listen in on today's podcast and know you are not alone, I am right there with you. Not only am I there with you, but I have the access code to the the door to RELEASE you from wrong feelings. I hope this episode will bless your life!

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    13 分
  • Saved and Single, God Can I Mingle?

    In this episode I share a piece titled Lonely,  and I share a little about my dating life.  Today's dating climate is troubling and discouraging to say the least. Although it is not a totally positive experience, I still have hope! I have hope because I am 100% sure that God has somebody for me and I know whoever he is, he will be amazing. I was inspired to share my story because I am sure there are many people who can relate. You are NOT alone, I GET IT!  Tune in and be blessed!

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    41 分
  • I Used to Love Him (Tawanda's Story)

    Have you ever loved someone until it literally hurt you? Have you ever been the only person in the relationship working on rebuilding the love that seemed to be getting lost? Have you gone through a divorce or are you in a rough spot in your current relationship, and you're questioning if it's worth salvaging?  Do you or someone you know feels as if they are stuck in a never ending cycle of misery and unhappiness?  This podcast is for you! In this episode  my REAL  sister Tawanda Clark shares what happened in her 19 year marriage (21 yr relationship) and why she had to make the tough decision to file for divorce. Listen in on her story and allow it to minister to you!  

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    38 分