Step into the uncharted wilds of the marches and live free of the Iron Star Alliance's yoke. In this episode we take a look at the Marcher Worlds backstory, models, and tactics. We are joined by special guests Isaiah Thompson from the Minority Report and Seth Conrad (Sryker911). They help us delve deep into the motivations and mindsets of the typical Marcher Worlds supporter, and we also discuss terrain and why a good table makes for a more balanced and fun game for all.
- 00:04:00 - Charge
- 00:44:32 - Impulse Inducer
- 00:56:31 - Spike
- Studio Paint Scheme for Razorbat
- Dragon Forge Designs
- K&J Magnetics
Impulse Inducers
Please join the Warcaster Facebook group to view.
- Warcaster: Battle for Jericho Reach Pt. 3
- Nathan Howard’s Marcher Worlds
- David Tauzia's Iron Start Alliance
- David DeBruyne's Aeternus Continuum
- Kevin Kircus's Marcher Worlds
- Mychal Kistler’s Aeternus Build Thoughts
- Norman Spiteri's Iron Star Alliance
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