Episode Notes
With a title like "The Thing That Came From The Grave," you know Fred Dekker's Tales from the Crypt directorial debut is going to be another tale of desperate lovers, senseless violence and manical mad men. But this time there is a twist, as the bad guy is played by the incredible Miguel Ferrer, giving Jay enough daylight to talk about Robocop for longer than you'd expect, and Cecy recounts fond childhood memories of beer proximity. Tune in to find out what things is coming out of which grave in the most romantic Tales From the Crypt episode. (Not that that is a high bar to clear.)
"The Thing From the Grave" IMDB: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0716897/?ref_=nm_flmg_dr_3
Directed by Fred Dekker Starring Miguel Ferrer, Teri Hatcher, Kyle Secor