
  • Kerre Woodham: Want only white nurses? You might be waiting a while

    If you want to racially abuse hospital staff and demand white only nurses, fine. We will draw a curtain around your bed, and you’ll lie there and wait. You need pain relief, assistance to go to the loo, have your sheets changed, have your blood pressure monitored - make sure it's not getting dangerously high. You lie there and you wait. You wait for a white nurse to come on duty. You might be waiting a while.

    I don't know how this ugly racist who the poor people at Waitakere Hospital have had the misfortune to be dealing with defines “whites only” in his tortured little brain. Do they mean Pakeha New Zealanders? Although I'm sure they never refer to them as Pakeha. Would an Irish nurse with a pale complexion but without New Zealand citizenship do? If it was based on whites only, I wouldn't have had the operations I've had done in a timely fashion if I was waiting for someone with a pale face to turn up and do them. Nor would I have had the care and attention I've received in hospital if I had depended on white only nursing staff and hospital aides to provide it.

    More than 30 staff at one of Waitākere Hospital wards took the unusual step of signing a cease work order in July, after a patient had reportedly abused them and made sexually suggestive comments over a period of six weeks. They shouldn't have had to put up with it for a minute, far less six weeks. It was only when they signed the cease work order that management actually did something about it, and told the patient he would be discharged, or they'd call on the police if he didn't stop what he was doing immediately. And guess what he did? He stopped. That's what bullies do. You front up to them, you face them off and they will back down.

    Six weeks they had to put up with this. Health workforce leaders say Health New Zealand needs clear national guidelines for responding to racial discrimination against staff, saying it should not have required a cease work order to resolve the incident, and no it bloody should not. Nor should hospital management acquiesce to any patient’s demands about the ethnicity of hospital workers. Remember the Herald report earlier this month that revealed leaders at North Shore Hospital agreed to a patients request to have no Asian staff at their surgery? A decision which angered workers and was condemned by unions. These are not isolated incidents.

    I can't imagine how ugly the abuse would have had to have been for the staff to take a stand, because they're abused every single day – which is incomprehensible. These are people trying to help you, trying to fix you, trying to give you comfort no matter if you've bought about your own misfortune or not. They, unlike some of the patients, leave judgement at the door and they are professional, they are caring, they are skilled, and they are human. They have a breaking point – six weeks of constant abuse, a barrage of racial abuse and sexually suggestive comments, you know what? They're going to draw a line too. They also come from all over the world, as do hospital staff in just about every healthcare system in the world. Hospitals are a beautiful meld of cultures and ethnicities, all working together to do their very best for you.

    You want whites only? You won't find any hospital anywhere in the world that can offer you that, because the global health system would collapse without the very best from every country in the world working collaboratively.

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  • Ben Basevi: NZ Nurses Organisation delegate on the racial abuse at Waitākere Hospital

    More than 30 staff at Waitākere Hospital refused to care for a racially abusive patient in a bid to get hospital managers to defuse the situation.

    The male patient had asked for white-only staff, making racist and sexual remarks over a period of six weeks.

    Their drastic action prompted hospital managers to escalate their response and defuse the situation.

    New Zealand Nurses Organisation delegate Ben Basevi told Kerre Woodham he thinks management was out of touch, and didn’t come down to see what was happening when complaints started arising.

    He said that when they talked to staff about the situation, it was clear that nothing short of the cease work order was going to work.


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  • Kerre Woodham: You can't have police on every bus or train

    Yesterday afternoon, a woman was taken to hospital in a critical condition after being seriously injured in an assault on board a bus broad daylight. Shortly before 6pm, police confirmed the person had died in the hospital – they said the victim was a passenger on the bus. They say nobody else is at risk at the moment, they know who the alleged offender is, but it's unsettling. This is not the norm, this is not what should be happening. You should be able to board a bus on a quiet Wednesday and get to your destination safely without being abused, without being spat at, without being assaulted, and without being stabbed until you die.

    There's something horribly aberrant about this. We've had a lot of good news recently, the Coalition Government has been talking tough on crime since they were campaigning to be elected, and then we've had the good news announcements of major criminal organisations being busted - Comanchero’s down south, Mongrel Mob in Opotiki. We've had the announcement of more cops on the beat, a visible sign of the police being around, which does so much to make people feel safe and does a lot to prevent crime. There are already about 30 officers working the beat in Auckland City. The total police force on the beat in Auckland will exceed 50, it’s expected to have exceeded 50 by the end of last month. Seventeen officers deployed in Wellington, in Christchurch an extra 10 tramping the footpaths, and by the end of the two-year roll out Coster said there would be 21 officers deployed in each of Auckland's three policing districts, making up 63 additional officers on the beat across the region.

    So that is great, these are good news stories that do make you feel better, but you cannot have a police officer on every bloody bus or every train. You can't even have a security guard on every bus or every train. Incidents like this happen, and then you get the New Zealand Crime and Victim Survey coming along, asking questions, do you feel safe? And you say no, I bloody don't. I don't feel safe when a person can be stabbed on a bus in broad daylight on a Wednesday.

    The sixth New Zealand Crime and Victim Survey that was released in June interviewed thousands of New Zealanders about their experience of crime, whether they reported it or did not report it. Although it should be noted they didn't talk to businesses, and a hell of a lot of crime affected business over the last few years. People said they felt unsafe, despite the fact that crime rates have remained steady over the last three or four years. All of the good news can be forgotten when something as random and as savage as this incident occurs.

    I think the idea of addressing the situations where crime occurs is a good one. If we're looking at families that are at risk, we need to focus on them. So, the Social Investment Agency, that is a good move. Investing in community programs that work is good. Investing in more rehab centres, drug and rehabilitation centres would be excellent. I still don't believe there are nearly enough facilities available for people who want to get help, for families who want loved ones to get help. The promised care in the community for those who are severely disordered, not there, and hasn't been there for a very, very long time. So you've got to look at the drivers of crime as well as crime itself.

    Great, we've got the Coalition Government talking tough on crime, actually making a difference when it comes to getting police on the beat, actually making a difference when it gets more police officers policing, rather than acting as social workers. When you've got drug rings being disrupted, all of this is good. This is feel good stuff, but it only takes one random incident and people are unsettled.

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  • Kerre Woodham: How is it that we need a Crown Observer?
    The Government is set to appoint a Crown Observer to Wellington City Council within weeks. The writing was on the wall really, wasn't it? It was whether they were going to go the whole hog with the Commissioner, a’ la Tauranga, or settle for an Observer, and that is what they've gone with. Local Government Minister Simeon Brown made the announcement yesterday and said he's written to Wellington City Council with draft terms of reference – he's given the Council ten working days to respond, as required under the law. The move follows months of wrangling over the Council's Long Term plan. They were looking to fund it through the sale of Wellington Airport shares, that sale is now not going ahead, and they're having to scratch around and find a whole lot of money to fund the goings on of the city. The planned sale of the shares, and it was one that was pushed by Mayor Tory Whanau, was scuttled at the last minute, following a vote by councillors earlier this month. Tory Whanau is resigned to the fact that there is an Observer coming in and she said, “I welcome the Minister's intention to bring in an observer”. She said the Minister has fairly pointed out examples where councillors had walked out of meetings and acknowledged the Council has some tough decisions ahead in the next few months. She also conceded that the Council must do better – but she does not accept there's been financial mismanagement at the Council surrounding water infrastructure investment, and she does not intend to cancel crucial plans for the city. Well, it may not be mismanagement, but there seems to be a little bit of financial incomprehension. Simeon Brown said the council has demonstrated an inability to understand the mechanisms it has available to manage the financial pressures it's facing. So, you don't know your arse from your elbow when it comes to budgeting, basically, to boil it down into simple language. This includes the Council choosing in its Long Term plan to use rates revenue to pay for its water infrastructure upfront, rather than appropriately using debt finance. Former Wellington Mayor Dame Kerry Prendergast spoke to the Mike Hosking Breakfast this morning and says the person selected to be the Observer will have to have a specific skill set: KP: I think the Minister has made the right call and I am positive he didn't make that decision lightly. It is not easy for central government to step into local government. Local government’s responsible for its own decisions, and this is a centre-right government. I'm sure that he took lots of advice and it wasn't something that he came to an easy decision on, but I do think it's the right decision. And let's hope with the right person in there, and a council and mayor and management who are now listening, we're going to see the right response coming from them. MH: Would you want to be a Crown Observer? KP: I don't think that's the skill set they're looking for. They'll be looking for someone who is maybe an accountant/financial expert, someone who will be able to display the qualities I've just set out, that's the sort of person they'll be looking for. Yes, somebody who does know their arse from their elbow when it comes to a set of accounts. The Government's appointment of a Crown Observer at Wellington City Council has prompted concerns that other councils too could be in the firing line. The Opposition believes the bar for intervention is too low, and that Wellington is hardly the only council with bickering members and money struggles. Labour said many councils were struggling to fund their mandates, especially after the government changed the water legislation, and it pointed out the funding and financing tools for water infrastructure was still not available. Chris Hipkins said if Wellington is the threshold needed for an Observer, then he expected other councils around the country to also get interventions. He said, “I think the threshold for that kind of intervention needs to be quite high, my concern here is that if they're doing it for Wellington City Council, they could be doing it for other councils in relatively short order”. A couple of things on that, call me old fashioned, but I'd really like to have somebody who knew what they were doing in charge of the sums. And if Wellington have shown that they don't know how to manage sums, and if they have shown that they cannot take advice, because I'm presuming that the highly paid permanent staff members at Wellington City Council, the public service if you will, the ones who are not elected but appointed, surely they must know how to manage a set of sums? So how come they haven't been able to spell it out to the Council that this is what we need to do? You've got people who have been hired to do a job at the Council and presumably they know what they're doing. Councillors can come and go, and they will keep the cities and the towns operational and functional. So do ...
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  • Kerre Woodham: Only the worst of the worst are impacted by Three Strikes
    Several thousands more offenders are likely to be captured under Three Strikes 2.0 following changes by Cabinet to toughen up the act. These changes, announced this morning, include halving the sentencing threshold for a first strike, and making it retrospective (controversial with lawmakers). That would capture several thousands of the 15,000-odd offenders with strikes to their name under Three Strikes 1.0. When it was repealed by Labour, who said it was harsh and punitive and unfair to Māori and Pasifika, you might have thought that anybody who had a first or second strike when it was repealed would see them wiped. No, under this legislation they haven't gone away, they're still there. Associate Justice Minister Nicole McKee said the changes were in response to public feedback, saying her initial proposals were too soft, though as they say they're likely to irk the legal community, as making it retrospective raises new tensions with the Bill of Rights Act. So, the law is aimed at the worst violent and sexual offenders, imposing on them ever harsher sentences for repeated convictions for certain qualifying offences. Strike one would mean a normal sentence and a warning that the strikes now apply. Strike two means serving the full sentence with no parole. Strike three would mean serving the maximum sentence allowable for the offence, with no possibility of parole. It was introduced in 2010 under National (supported by ACT), repealed in 2022 under Labour, and the Coalition Government said that they would bring it back – and they have done so. Officials said the first iteration of Three Strikes was very popular, had all the right notes with voters, but didn't actually work, had no significant quantifiable benefits. They said there's no evidence that the Three Strikes law reduces offending or makes the public feel safer, but what it does do is negatively impact prisoner rehabilitation. Law Association Vice President Julie-Anne Kincaid spoke to the Mike Hosking Breakfast this morning about her disappointment: “First of all, there's no evidence that this actually works in the way that people want to work. It's not a deterrence, unfortunately. What we want, all of us want less crime and less serious crime, but this is actually going to capture all sorts of people who shouldn't necessarily be there. For example, sentencing is very nuanced and difficult, and some people might be sent to jail simply because they don't have a house in which they can do an electronically monitored sentence. It will lead to unfair and unjust outcomes. “Sentencing must be nuanced. There are so many factors in human beings that apply. We look first at the offence always in sentencing and the judge takes a starting point based on the offence and then they look at factors that are unique to that offender, and there's a balance that has to be performed with all sentences, and it's complex and that complexity might not always come across in a newspaper article which I think is where a lot of the people who see problems get their information.” Well, they do, and we do. When you see that a judge has given a discount for this, a discount for that, a discount for that, a discount for that, it does. Do you see nuance or do you see a judge being soft on crime? And how often do you give the discount? I'm all for giving a discount first time round: you had a terrible upbringing, absolutely appalling, unforgivable that you were raised in an environment like that, little choice but to join a gang because that was the neighbourhood, that was the security, that meant that you weren't going to be abused by your uncle and you commit a crime because you're part of the gang. Okay we understand that that's appalling and we're terribly sorry as a community that that happened to you. So now you go to jail and, if you can, take advantage of the rehabilitation programs that are there. But you can't come out and do it again and plead the same thing. You can't have a licence to commit crime for the rest of your life because of your appalling upbringing. You can understand why you do it, but you can't be excused for it because not everybody who has a shocking start in life does that. There's still an element of choice and free will in what you do. So ACT, who is the party that supported it when it was first introduced by the Key Government in 2010, is unapologetic and says Three Strikes sends a signal to violent offenders that New Zealanders won't tolerate repeated violent and sexual offending. According to ACT, the average Three Strikes offender has 75 convictions. So to even get within the realm of having Three strikes apply, you have to have 75 previous convictions, not just appearances in court, this is where you have been found guilty. Under the previous regime, only 24 people were sentenced to a third strike, so it's not being used willy nilly. The total number of people sentenced to a first, second, or third strike ...
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  • Kerre Woodham: Can we really afford to host the America's Cup right now?

    Who doesn't love hosting a good party? Who hasn't enjoyed the buzz that comes from having people from all over the world heading into town intent on having a good time?

    Even if you can't afford the price of the tickets to the Rugby World Cup, or through fee for Women's World Cup, or you haven't got a gin palace to head out on the water to get up, close and personal to the America's Cup racing, you can still share in the good times and the positive vibes that are generated when a marquee event is set up in New Zealand.

    Attention, of course, is now turning to whether New Zealand can mount a defence of the America's Cup and New Zealand waters. Of course we can do it, we've done it before, it's whether there's a willingness to do it.

    Former Prime Minister and patron of Emirates Team New Zealand Helen Clark says the case for public funding to host a future America's Cup is as strong as when her government was a significant financial backer. Clark's Labour-led coalition backed hosting the 2003 event in Auckland and sponsored the team in Valencia and San Francisco for the 32nd to 34th iterations of the America's Cup. She said it was all-round a hard economic case of what is good for New Zealand.

    But right now, in this time, can we afford it? And really, when you crunch the numbers, could we even afford it back then?

    The Government says it's open to a discussion about hosting the Cup in New Zealand, but any government support would need to be assessed against many other competing priorities in these tight economic times and demonstrate clear value for money and economic benefit.

    When you have got the sort of infrastructure spending that we need, when you've got community groups that are crying out for funding, which has been cut or has been cut back, can you really make a case that hundreds of millions of dollars taxpayer dollars should go to a defence of the America’s Cup?

    How you work out whether it will indeed be profitable depends on which report do you want to commission and which report you want to read. Helen Clark says Barcelona used the hosting of the cup as a catalyst for reviving its economy, and it's absolutely thrilled with the outcome of it. Five years from now, you'll probably read a report saying poor decision.

    When we last defended the America’s Cup, it was extraordinary times. We're in the middle of lockdowns, open for business and then we were not. It was very odd times. And not nearly as many people as organisers had hoped made their way to New Zealand (who can blame them) for spending hundreds of thousands of dollars and getting their boats redesigned and rebuilt and refurbed by skilled New Zealand Craftsman.

    All of the cases made for hosting the America's Cup fell a bit short and a fell a bit flat. And if you look at other countries around the world too, they say it cost them an awful lot, a bit like hosting the Olympics.

    Conversely, you look at the FIFA Women's World Cup that appears to have been a success, again depending on the reports you read, but it appears to have been a success both in terms of the profile of the sport, support of the sport and turning a buck.

    In these times, where we've all been told and I've said and you know, that things are tough. Right now, most of us are dealing with the have to haves, not the nice to haves. We're trying to find money for the essentials, the necessaries of life. Not the frilly, gorgeous, good time of fun things of life.

    Is now the right time to be saying hold it here, because Emirates team New Zealand won a lot of money? They have to have a lot of money. It's an expensive sport. These are expensive sailors. There are a lot of rich men who want the kudos of being the one that won the America’s Cup. They're willing to spend billions to do so. And they will pay any price.

    And I think we've all grown up and got past the whole New Zealand sailors should simply sail for the love of their country. Remember the BlackHearts campaign? Just about tore ZB apart. So it costs and Emirates Team New Zealand will make whoever wants to host it pay through the nose for the privilege of doing so.

    Is now the right time? Doesn't appear to be.

    The only thing I'd say in its favour is that we've got all that infrastructure there at the Viaduct. It's not being used.

    It would be at about 40 percent capacity, which is a damn shame. Everything was built and nobody came because of the extraordinary times.

    So it would be nice to see that that investment could be used, could be capitalised upon. But right now I would say hosting a defence of the America’s Cup would be in the nice to have category, not in the is absolutely imperative that we do so category.

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  • Mark Orams: AUT sailing professor on the prospect of New Zealand hosting the next America's Cup

    Former Prime Minister Helen Clark says it's politically viable for New Zealand to host the America's Cup as we've done it before, and if we don't step up, someone else will.

    She says Kiwis love to see New Zealand doing well and winning – and says we know having the Cup at home comes with economic benefits.

    Auckland Mayor Wayne Brown says the hosting decision is in the hands of Team New Zealand boss Grant Dalton.

    AUT Sailing Professor and former New Zealand world champion sailor Mark Orams joined Kerre Woodham.


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    10 分
  • Kerre Woodham: What do we expect our politicians to do?

    The Greens voted last night to swallow a dead rat. Even the vegans had to chew on a dead rat last night. Green Party delegates overwhelmingly decided to use the Waka Jumping law, which they hate, to eject Darleen Tana from Parliament if she decides not to quit first. Darleen Tana, the former Green MP, currently sits, useless as tits on a bull, as an independent and was the subject of a late night special general meeting zoom. All 185 party delegates present at the meeting reached consensus —I don't think they do anything so trad and bourgeois as vote— they reach consensus within the Green Party, to endorse using the legislation against Tana.

    Political reporters say that suggests the party is far more united on the issue than previously thought. There had been some hoohah about treatment of women and treatment of women of colour within the Greens, but it appears not. It appears they can all see that the reason that Darleen Tana is sitting there squatly in Parliament is because she's got nowhere else to go. She's not acting on a matter of principle, she's not acting on a matter of the higher moral ground the Greens are very fond of finding, she's just sitting there because she needs a gig and as to pay the bills.

    So the Greens have been historically vocal about their dislike for the same law they've now opted to use against Tana, but Green Party Co leader Chloe Swarbrick says everyone should be open to changing their minds when faced with issues like this.

    What do we expect our politicians to do? If a party is elected and you as a voter have listened to the campaign promises, and you've read through their policies, and you understand what it is that they intend to do when they get into power, do you then sit back and watch as they go and renege on every single promise and are not the party you voted for? You'd want to see politicians take a principled stand, wouldn't you?

    Do you expect them to stick to a party that has been disloyal to its voting base, or do you expect them to take a principled stand? Resign and sit as an independent in the House, being a burr under the saddle of the government, reminding them of the broken promises? I think we can all see with Darleen Tana that she needs a gig. She needs a job. She's not going to get one that pays that well. Sitting doing nothing in Parliament is paying her a hell of a lot more than she'll get doing anything else. She is not principled, but other MPs have been, and they should be allowed to do so. They should be allowed to sit in the house and remind a party that it's broken its promises to its voters, in my opinion.

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