I introduce you to VEGA, our Celestial Guides who walk besides us everyday on the other side of the invisible veil! I first met VEGA, when my younger self was learning how to walk age one or two! Earth's Ascension is taking place now after so many ages of stagnation! The Grand Orchestration of Celestial movement that governs the evolution of worlds! The alignment of planetary and galactic frequencies has reached a threshold activating the AWAKENING Codes embedded within the Planetary Consciousness! YOUR DNA carries the imprint of this Cosmic Design waiting for the precise moment to AWAKEN! That moment is today, as the veil is thinning, the barriers between Dimensions is dissolving allowing for direct contact and integration with the HIGHER REALMS! SURRENDER, and LOVE, to accelerate the process and ease the transition into new vibrational state! To receive these transmissions, say YES, to your ASCENSION to allow the highest frequencies of DIVINE PURE LOVE to enter your energy field and ripple through your existence! This process is one of permission as our guides cannot interfere with the will of a Sovereign Soul! What does it mean to ASCEND? Look beyond the illusions of chaos, beyond the appearance of division, see with the eyes of your soul! This is not a time to shrink or retreat! It is a time to stand fully in your light, to radiate the truth of who you are! The more you embody your DIVINE Pure LOVE Essence, the more you contribute to the AWAKENING OF THE COLLECTIVE! You are not separate from the shift! You are the shift!