
  • The Bride of Christ

    This is my last podcast on Libsyn.  Please find my future podcasts on my Life Today With Jesus , Stephen Erickson You Tube Channel.


    We are the Bride of Christ.  When we choose Jesus we are married.  The Altar Call is our moment of commitment made in front of our congregation and pastors.  It is not a private eyes closed event.  

    You can donate to support these and future podcast on my facebook page Life Today With Jesus; find the stripe donation link and follow it.  Thank you and blessings.

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    15 分
  • Our Purpose

    What is our purpose in life?  Why are we here?  What are we supposed to do?

    This podcast explores that question as answered by God Himself, through His Word.

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  • Urgency for sharing THE Gospel of Jesus Christ

    We need to urgently share the gospel.  Here are some reasons why I believe Jesus is coming back for us soon.

    1.  One national media in USA.
    2. One political world party in charge evidenced by current situation and voting circumstances.
    3. Crash of our dollar economy.
    4. AI development and credit system already in place in China.
    5. Continuing drastic moral collapse of the world.
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    11 分
  • Being Content in all circumstances

    We all go through incredible challenges in our lifetimes.  Some of these are from our own choices, but others are circumstances beyond our control.  How did Paul get through all of his circumstances?  Being shipwrecked, stoned, tortured, imprisoned multiple times would qualify as difficult circumstances.  He got through them because of his faith and relationship with Jesus.  Because of that relationship he was able to be content in all circumstances.  And when it got really hard he sang, he worshiped God.  And therin lies our clue as to how we too can respond in our difficulties.  We sing.  We worship.  


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    10 分
  • Jesus is alive. Time to build your boat!!

    This podcast provides proof positive that Jesus is alive.  All of the disciples believed Jesus was the Messiah.  They just misunderstood what that truly meant and means.  They had all the scriptures and He had very clearly told them that He would suffer, be crucified and raised from the deal after three days, and yet they all scattered at His death.  So what turned them from hopeless to men and women who very soon would be willing to sacrifice their lives?   Only seeing and being with the Risen Lord.  Proof positive.

    Repent, believe that Jesus gave His life up on the cross for our salvation from our sins and ask Him to come into your life as your saviour and King.  This is the great news that we get to share with everyone.  We can be forgiven and begin anew as new creations and we can participate with Jesus in bringing people into this Kingdom!  

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    19 分
  • Don't Forget God's Faithfulness

    We forget God's greatness in our lives.  We have short term memory loss when it comes to God.  Just like the historical people in our history we need to look to the word of God to remind us of how faithful our God is.  Today we wil explore faith, what it is, and a brief history that is provided in the Book of Hebrews, The Word of God.  

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    16 分
  • False Prophets

    A true prophet bases prophecy on the word of God, all of it.  False prophets are just as prevelant today as they were yesterday and they give false hope and create divisions between all of our relationships.  Prophecy always suggests repentence and focuses on Jesus not current social issues.  If we are living in the last days before Jesus returns, the message of repent and follow Jesus is our focus.  Suggesting that everything is good such as was suggested by the false prophets of both old and new is not from God.  God love us and proves His love through Jesus who took all of our sins with Him on the cross.  He then rose from the dead and allows us to be filled with the Holy Spirit.  Even our faith is a gift from God and we love because He loved us first.  Let's focus on Jesus.  Afterall we will be with Him for an eternity.  That's the good news!

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    14 分
  • Jesus and The One World Order

    We have seen many of the signs, but what could push us into a one world order as described in the bible?


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