
  • Professor Michael Wood - Lockdown Lecture Episode Twelve

    "We live in one world and that's the key, not only to history, but to life itself"

    Professor of Public History, Michael Wood, is one of the country's best loved historians. In his Lockdown Lecture, he talks to us about the relationship between Britain and China, and his love for poetry.

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  • Professor Dan Davis - Lockdown Lecture Episode Eleven

    "We're in a particularly exciting moment with lots of big, new ideas about medicines that could harness the power of the immune system to fight off different kinds of disease."

    Professor of Immunology, Dan Davis, has helped establish new concepts in how immune cells communicate with each other. Watch his Lockdown Lecture.

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  • Professor David Olusoga - Lockdown Lecture Episode Ten

    “A classic complaint among scholars who study British imperial history is that dimensions of our past, as well as our culture, our cuisine, our language and our economy, have been quietly forgotten or conveniently brushed under the carpet.”

    Professor David Olusoga is a historian and broadcaster who joined the University in 2019 as a Professor of Public History.

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  • Professor Perdita Barran - Lockdown Lecture Episode Nine

    “One the things we are fairly certain about with the Parkinson's odour is that it's produced due to molecules called lipids, which are long chain fatty acids...

    “With COVID, I think there will be an equivalent inflammatory response to that and that may well have an odour. But, we think there are probably other methods to see whether people have coronavirus or not.”

    Scientists at The University of Manchester have found small molecules contained in a substance secreted by the skin, known as sebum, that are responsible for a unique scent in people with Parkinson’s. Professor Perdita Barran discusses more here.

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  • Professor Claire Alexander - Lockdown Lecture Episode Eight

    Claire is Professor of Sociology at The University of Manchester and a member of the Critical In/Equalities research cluster where she works on race, ethnicity, migration and youth in Britain. She is Director of Research for the School of Social Sciences and Associate Director of the Centre on Dynamics of Ethnicity.

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  • Professor Danielle George - Lockdown Lecture Episode Seven

    Professor Danielle George is a Professor in Microwave Communication Engineering and is the Associate Dean for Teaching and Learning in the Faculty of Science and Engineering

    "When we found out about it, the people who worked on ALMA (Atacama Large Millimeter Array), we were like, 'Wow that sounds amazing, but what what does it mean?'" Hear more from Professor Dan George MBE.

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  • Professor Nicky Cullum - Lockdown Lecture Episode Six

    "I hope if one positive thing has come out of this pandemic, it's the visibility of nursing, the importance of nursing and also the importance of social care staff..."

    Nicky Cullum is Professor of Nursing in the Division of Nursing, Midwifery and Social Work in the School of Health Sciences, and Director of the NIHR Applied Research Collaboration for Greater Manchester.

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  • Professor Gary Younge - Lockdown Lecture Episode Five

    “And I wanted to see the world partly because a lot of my experiences growing up, particularly in the 70s and early 80s in Britain, were people saying, "well you're not from here, where are you really from?" And thinking well, I really am from just down the road, but also knowing that there was something different.”

    One of the leading thinkers on politics and society, Gary Younge, is Professor of Sociology in the School of Social Sciences and an award-winning journalist.

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