Lunar Cycle in Vedic Astrology

著者: Achala Sylwia Mihajlovic
  • サマリー

  • Moon represents our mind, with all its fluctuations and tides. As the Moon changes its phases and passes through lunar mansions, it takes us on this journey with itself. Every New Moon and every Full Moon reveal us what we can learn from the present moment.
    © 2023 Created by Discovering Youniverse
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Moon represents our mind, with all its fluctuations and tides. As the Moon changes its phases and passes through lunar mansions, it takes us on this journey with itself. Every New Moon and every Full Moon reveal us what we can learn from the present moment.
© 2023 Created by Discovering Youniverse
  • Total Lunar Eclipse in Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra (13/14 Mar 2025)

    Total Lunar Eclipse in Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra

    13-14 March 2025

    Upcoming Total Lunar Eclipse in Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra will be one of the biggest planetary shifts of this year. Both luminaries (Sun and Moon) will be dwelling right on the border of their respective rashis: Sun in between Aquarius and Pisces, while Moon in between Leo and Virgo, continuing the recent trend of Full Moons coinciding with Sankrantis (solar ingresses). While Moon will stationed alone in the last degrees of Leo (Kemadruma Yoga), Sun will be simultaneously surrounded by his enemies (Papa Kartari Yoga), tightly squeezed in between Saturn and Rahu, and too far from Venus retrograde. This combination will invite a lot of pressure into our lives, while simultaneously will provide very little support from the outside.

    Needless to say, though, with Total Lunar Eclipse accompanied by 5 planets in Bhadrapada nakshatras, stars of profound spiritual transformations and symbolic death, this will be also a powerful time of inner purification and spiritual growth for many of us.

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  • New Moon in Shatabhisha Nakshatra (27/28 Feb 2025)

    New Moon in Shatabhisha Nakshatra

    27-28 February

    The next conjuction of Sun and Moon will take place at the heart of sidereal Aquarius in Shatabhisha Nakshatra, in proximity of Saturn in Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra. The day before this particular New Moon is known as Mahashivaratri, the Great Night of Lord Shiva, and usually marks a time of great purification and inner transformation - the theme which continues for quite some time already, and is just about to get intensified.

    During this particular New Moon many planets will be already accumulating in Bhadrapada nakshatras (Purva and Uttara) known for their shared themes of death, transformation, letting go and unburdening, while refocusing on what is truly important. These two lunar mansions, ruled by 2 of the 11 Rudras, fierce forms of Lord Shiva, also represent the transformative power coiled at our root chakra and opportunity to rise above our own limitations.

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  • Full Moon in Ashlesha Nakshatra (12 February 2025)

    Full Moon in Ashlesha Nakshatra

    12 February 2025

    Full Moon completing the auspicious time of Kumbha Mela will occur this year in the very last minutes of Ashlesha nakshatra within sidereal Cancer - right on the border between Ashlesha and Magha, in the heart of the gandanta, which represents our third eye chakra and the last energy knot in our energy body (rudra granthi) to be transcended on the path to spiritual awakening. When Sun aligns itself at the very center of zodiacal muladhara chakra, between Capricorn and Aquarius, and Moon shines in its fullness in the gandanta between Cancer and Leo, it’s a time pregnant with spiritual vibrations and opportunities to transcend our limitations.

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