Tornem a anar al cinema amb l'excusa de rescatar bones cançons de (potser no tant) bones pel·lícules! 01 -Supertramp -The logical song 02 -Al Green -Let's stay toghether 03 -Jovanotti -Mi fido di te 04 -Jessica Childress -Mr. Trickster 05 - Creedence Clearwater Revival -Fortunate son 06 -Vancouver Sleep Clinic -Someone to stay 07 -Billie Eilish -All the good girls go to hell 08 -Sheryl Crow -Carolina 09 -Adèle -Chasing pavements 10 -Norah Jones -Not to late 11 -Paolo Conte -Via con me 12 -Patsy Cline -Crazy 13 -Santana -Samba pa ti 14 -The Rolling Stones -Wild horses