Nutrients are essential substances that provide energy, support growth, and maintain overall health. Here are the six main categories of nutrients:
*1. Carbohydrates*
- Provide energy for the body
- Sources: grains, fruits, vegetables, legumes
- Examples: sugars, starches, fiber
*2. Proteins*
- Build and repair tissues
- Sources: animal products, legumes, nuts, seeds
- Examples: amino acids, peptides
*3. Fats*
- Provide energy and support cell growth
- Sources: animal products, nuts, seeds, oils
- Examples: saturated, unsaturated, trans fats
*4. Vitamins*
- Support various bodily functions
- Sources: fruits, vegetables, whole grains, animal products
- Examples: Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Vitamin D
*5. Minerals*
- Support various bodily functions
- Sources: whole grains, legumes, nuts, seeds, animal products
- Examples: calcium, iron, potassium
*6. Water*
- Essential for hydration and bodily functions
- Sources: drinking water, fruits, vegetables
*Key Nutrient Functions:*
1. Energy production
2. Growth and development
3. Immune system support
4. Cell repair and maintenance
5. Hormone regulation
*Recommended Daily Intake:*
Varies depending on age, sex, weight, and activity level. Consult a healthcare professional or registered dietitian for personalized recommendations.
*Nutrient Deficiencies:*
Can lead to various health issues, such as:
1. Fatigue
2. Weakness
3. Poor wound healing
4. Impaired cognitive function
5. Increased risk of chronic diseases