Welcome back to the Penis Dialogues! Didja miss me? Didja? What do you mean you hadn't even noticed? How very dare...
In this episode, I speak with my lovely friend, the actor and all round good-guy, Mark Carey about what it's like to be a man in the 2020s and his new stage show, 'What's Wrong with Benny Hill?' where he explores the rise and fall of this once celebrated comedian.
You can find more details about his show, including upcoming tour dates, here
I'd love to hear your thoughts on this, or any of the other episodes in the series. You can find me at thepenisdialogues@gmail.com or on the social media platform previously known as twitter @dialoguespenis
Until the next time...
I've been Chris Young
and you've been rather fabulous
thank you so much for listening
see you next Tuesday