
  • Mishpatim - Who Gets The Teeth?

    If one who strikes his Eved Canaani and knocks out a tooth, the Eved goes free. Rav Zilberstein raises the question, let's say it would be golden teeth, who would have the rights to keep the teeth? A fascinating discussion about the Halachic status of the detached limb of a living eved.

    Hope you enjoy.

    Have a wonderful Shabbos

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    9 分
  • Yisro - The Defense from the Eigel in the Aseres Hadibros

    The Aseres Hadibros start off Anochi Hashem Elokecha, shouldn't it Elokeichem if it's talking to the whole Kal Yisrael? Rashi quotes that it's to be a defense for us from the Chet HaEgel, since it's written in the singular form. A pshat in the Yesod from Rav Elyah Meir Bloch, and a Mussar Shmuess I developed on the Rashi..

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    7 分
  • Beshalach - The Full Redemption

    Chazal say the Jews were told to borrow money from the Mitzriyim so Avraham shouldn't claim the promise of wealth wasn't fulfilled. Wouldn't Hashem fulfill the promise regardless? A perspective from Rav Yeruchem Olshin in when their Redemption was completed.

    Have a Wonderful Shabbos

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    9 分
  • Bo - Our Actions Follow Our Hearts

    The Sefer HaChinuch discusses why we need so many different Mitzvos to remember Yetzias Mitzrayim, and explains it's because our actions influence our hearts, and the more we do, the greater the influence. Exploring this technique in improving our Middos through the eyes of the Sefer HaChinuch and Rav Yechezkel Levenstein. Have a beautiful Shabbos

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    10 分
  • Va'eira - Hardening Pharaoh's Heart


    The Torah tells us Hashem hardened Pharaoh's heart so he wouldn't send them out during the last five Makkos. Doesn't that go against the basic concept of free will? The approaches of the Rambam, the Seforno, and the Bais Halevi to this problem?

    Have a wonderful Shabbos

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  • Shemos - Examining The Burning Bush

    Rabbeinu Bechayai discusses how Moshe experienced seeing a miraculous fire in the bush, then a Malach and then a Nevuah from Hakadosh Baruch Hu. Why was the revelation done in a progression, and how did he grow from examining the fire itself?

    Have a wonderful Shabbos.

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    9 分
  • Vayechi - Yesimcha K'Efraim UMenashe

    At the end of Yaakov's life, he blessed his 12 sons, Efraim, and Menashe. Efraim and Menashe were blessed that they would be the ones invoked when people bless their children. Why were they chosen, as opposed to blessing our sons they should be like Avraham, Yitzchak, and Yaakov (akin to what we do by daughters)?

    Have a good Shabbos

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    7 分
  • Vayigash - Serach and the Gift of Life

    Serach Bas Asher was the one to tell Yaakov that Yosef was alive and revive his spirits, and she was rewarded with eternal life. Some stories about her life and what we can learn from her.

    Have a wonderful Shabbos.

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