Please contact us on askingforafriendquestions@outlook.com We will respect your anonymity.
The links Lara referred to in the podcast are as follows:
I was a Jehovah's Witness Forced Child Labourer facebook support group https://www.facebook.com/groups/901752817995187/
The Say Sorry website https://saysorry.org/
The Decult Conference New Zealand https://decult.net/
The film 'Recovering from Religion with Music' by Banana Island Films https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bJoOrhh6MSY
UK House of Lords Inquiry into Modern Slavery https://committees.parliament.uk/committee/700/modern-slavery-act-2015-committee/news/203272/uks-response-to-modern-slavery-has-not-kept-up-with-the-advances-of-other-nations/
The Lived Experience Human Trafficking Foundation https://www.humantraffickingfoundation.org/leap
The Survivors Alliance on Modern Slavery https://www.survivoralliance.org/anti-slavery-info
UK Anti Slavery Commissioner https://www.antislaverycommissioner.co.uk/
Australian Anti Slavery Commissioner https://www.antislaverycommissioner.gov.au/contact-us
Australian Anti Slavery Hotline https://antislavery.org.au/free-legal-services/
UN Special Rapporteur on Contemporary Forms of Slavery https://www.ohchr.org/en/special-procedures/sr-slavery
Music: 'You're Not Who You Say You Are' by Ancient Modesto, Written by Simon Endeacott, Produced by Ian David c Four Monkeys Records