Tune in with Vincent and Jonny to see the inner workings of the stock market, The Wolf of Wall Street, filled with money, mayhem, and Margot Robbie! This movie stars Leonardo DiCaprio as Jordan Belfort, Jonah Hill as Donnie Azoff, Margot Robbie as Naomi Lapaglia, Matthew McConaughey as Mark Hanna, Kyle Chandler as Agent Patrick Denham, Jon Bernthal as Brad, Rob Reiner as Max Belfort, and Joanna Lumley as Aunt Emma! Listen as Vincent and Jonny talk about cinematography, visual effects, cast, acting, plot, and more! Thanks for tuning into this episode! To stay in touch with us, our linktree is below Linktree.com/Oneshotmoviepodcast -CHECK OUT OUR NEW MERCH! -Use code WOLF for 15% off Oneshotmoviepodcast.net