
  • "The Merry Gentlemen"

    Male striptease—is there anything it can't make better? From helping unemployed steelworkers in "The Full Monty" make some crucial money and save themselves to helping a family in this week's "Kevin and Ces Annual Holiday Movie Quadruple Feature Podcast" feature make some crucial money and save their performance venue, male stripping has been the backbone of our economy and our nation. Well, two nations, England and the USA. Well, probably several more nations. Okay, this is getting unwieldy. Anyway, join us as we question the business practice of a 365 day-a-year Broadway Christmas show and inadvertently celebrate Rex Manning Day with the yuletide revue "The Merry Gentlemen."

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    1 時間 2 分
  • "Meet Me Next Christmas"

    It's a Pentatonix Christmas movie as Pentatonix plays Pentatonix singing Pentatonix Christmas songs while helping two Pentatonix fans find true Pentatonix love at a Pentatonix show during this most cherished Pentatonix holiday season in a charming film about the importance of securing concert tickets as quickly as possible.

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    1 時間 4 分
  • "Hot Frosty"

    Did you ever watch Frosty, the Grinch or Heat Miser and think "I'd do him"? Well, then Netflix—and the Kevin and Ces Annual Holiday Movie Quadruple Feature Podcast—bring you the perfect tepid mug of cocoa with this year's streaming smash, "Hot Frosty." Yes, when a young widow places a used scarf on a six-pack snowman, the sexy Faulknerian man-child of her dreams comes to life. Throw in seasonal shenanigans, holiday hi-jinks, part of the cast of "Brooklyn Nine-Nine," and inadvertent simulated sex with—not in—a car, and you have the makings of a Christmas classic your family can listen to Kevin and Ces talk about year after year (but mostly this one). Here's hoping you all find your own Frosty this season. Enjoy!

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    57 分
  • "Funeral For A Door Nail" & "Camille"

    It's been a hell of a season two—David's brother, Maddie's parents, Agnes almost certainly still keeping a baby that doesn't belong to her. Casinos in Buenos Aires, flashbacks to the 1940s, trips to the, um, mall. Whoopi Goldberg! Orson Welles! Cousin Larry from "Perfect Strangers"! Magical leprechauns, massive Rolodexes, multiple fourth-wall breaks. Funerals, faked funerals, funerals for a fake spouse, funeral car chase. SO MANY BIG-FINISH CHASE SEQUENCES. And now we close out the season with not only another big-finish—TWO episode recaps that each include their own chase—but also our podcast's own big BREAKING NEWS that you can only get here before reading it in the "Moonlighting" paper of choice, the Los Angeles Tribune, or scoring it like hot gossip at the next California Investigator’s Annual Banquet and Ball. So put on your most satin sleepwear, sit on your biggest whitest couch, look up at a portrait of Maddie (or yourself if you bought one with office funds), and reflect with us on the wonderful times we've had together before we get an offer from Lou LaSalle we simply can't refuse.

    As always, this episode is brought to you by Zini's Italian Restaurant.

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    1 時間 27 分
  • "Sleep Talkin' Guy"

    When an escort’s mob-connected client mumbles upcoming hits in his sleep, she tells David, who in turn uses the intel to catch the killers. Or stop them before they commit the crime, which is sort of like the first draft of “Minority Report” minus eye-replacement surgery. Soon David is the toast of the town, beloved by the police, the mayor, and the entire city of LA. In fact, the only person who isn’t happy is Maddie, who feels having sources and employing data is cheating when it comes to detective work. Oh, will these two ever get along? Well, briefly, until Maddie punches David so hard he goes through a wall. It all comes together in an episode that will having you asking “What?” saying “But…” and knowing that using Pet Shop Boys’ “West End Girls” must have been pretty pricey in the mid-1980s.

    As always, this episode is brought to you by Zini's Italian Restaurant.

    Theme Song: "Aerosol of my Love" Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com) Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 4.0 License http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/

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    1 時間 17 分
  • "Witness For The Execution"

    David is on the lam! When an elderly man frames David for his murder (to avoid his death being labeled a suicide and invalidate his life insurance because, uh, comedy), David does what every fugitive from the law would do if they were nine-years-old. He hides at his friend’s house. Then he hides at his friend’s place of work. Then he probably hides in a toy store or wherever they sell candy. Near his friend. Can Maddie prove David’s innocence before her partner gradually, inadvertently makes it out of his own zip code? Kevin, Ces, and yet another notoriously ineffectual “Moonlighting” homicide detective are on the case!

    As always, this episode is brought to you by Zini's Italian Restaurant.

    Theme Song: "Aerosol of my Love" Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com) Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 4.0 License http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/

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    1 時間 22 分
  • "Every Daughter's Father Is A Virgin"

    As the great John Mayer said, “Fathers be good to your daughters. Daughters .” Maddie learns this first hand as she is faced with the question of whether her father and her mother’s husband are the same person. Corporeally? The answer is yes. More morally? That answer is no. Poppa Hayes is having an affair. The mother suspects it. Maddie denies it. And David—in a surprisingly mature and confusingly good way—finds it out. So down some champagne and discover if being a “good man” is enough to keep a family whole in “Every Daughter’s Father Is A Virgin.”

    As always, this episode is brought to you by Zini's Italian Restaurant.

    Theme Song: "Aerosol of my Love" Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com) Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 4.0 License http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/

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    1 時間 8 分
  • "In God We Strongly Suggest"

    Revenge is a dish best served cold—and lifeless—when a magician swears to kill his wife from beyond the grave, which is either a remarkable feat or stunning case of poor time management. But when the magician dies mid-act, his wife hires Maddie and David to watch over his corpse until it’s cremated, to ensure he can’t fulfill his promise. Does the body escape? Well, let’s just say the Blue Moon Agency wouldn’t be invited back to the Detective Ball if it weren’t for a stunning third-act, tertiary character reveal as we dissect “In God We Strongly Suspect.”

    As always, this episode is brought to you by Zini's Italian Restaurant.

    Theme Song: "Aerosol of my Love" Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com) Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 4.0 License http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/

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    1 時間 6 分