Network mindset as a differentiating factor. A platform that can change your life.
- 2024/06/20
- 再生時間: 39 分
- ポッドキャスト
***SPECIAL IN GERMAN*** For English, activate subtitles. Natasha Hoffner, the founder of Her Career, shares her journey of creating a career platform for women and the importance of networks and inclusivity in the workplace. She emphasizes the value of creating a space for possibilities and empowering women to design their own career paths. Natasha highlights the gratitude and appreciation she feels for the support she has received and the impact Her Career has had on women's lives. She invites everyone to be part of Her Career and make a positive change in their careers. Takeaways 👉 Creating a supportive network and inclusive workplace is crucial for women's career success. 👉 Empowerment and inclusivity are key principles in building a successful company. 👉 Designing your own career path and taking ownership of your success is essential. 👉 Gratitude and appreciation for the support received can lead to personal and professional growth. Natascha Hoffner, Founder & CEO of herCAREER The Enabler A dead end in her own career has turned out to be a stroke of luck for thousands of other women's careers. Natascha Hoffner spent 15 years in the trade fair business, most recently in management at a subsidiary of Deutsche Messe AG in Mannheim. “After it became clear to me that there was no way back to the previous company, I packed my bags and moved in with my family in Munich.” Child number two was just five months old at the time. Staying at home was not an option. Instead, she pulled together herCareer in just six months in 2015. The woman is a doer, she is pragmatic, optimistic, persevering, and blessed with an unshakeable basic confidence. And a her husband who is behind her 100 percent and has taken parental leave. Natascha Hoffner has not only shown how to successfully found a company but also how to survive crises. After the fall 2020 herCareer was canceled, she used the Corona hiatus to further develop her business model, and a digital platform emerged from the trade fair. If Natascha Hoffner has her way, it will soon become the leading digital platform for female careers throughout Europe. Quelle: https://femaleonezero.com/people/40-over-40-germanys-most-inspiring-women-2022 Follow Natascha Hoffner: LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/nataschahoffner/ herCAREER: https://www.her-career.com/ Follow me: LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/christianter Follow feelingTERrific: LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/feelingterrific/?viewAsMember=true YouTube: / @feelingTERrific_by_ct Linktree: https://linktr.ee/feelingterrific Affiliate Link Riverside: https://www.riverside.fm/?via=christian-ter