• Matthew 2:2-6 (Misquoted Texts and Herod Issues)

    2. Where is the one who has been born King of the Jews ― The magi entering Jerusalem were seeking this new king but did not know where he was.

    ❑ When a new king is born, it is assumed he is in the royal palace. This is the first place the magi would have arrived and started asking. Word of the magi and a newborn king quickly traveled through the palace and ultimately to Herod.

    Saw his star in the east ― The magi saw the star while they were in the east, as it states, “magi from the east” (v.1) – but traveled west to locate the future king.

    ♻️ Traveling West
    When Adam was exiled from Eden, he was exiled to the east[1]. West is the direction Adam would have to travel to get back to Hashem’s presence in Eden. When Cain sinned, he was banished further to the east[2]. When the temple was built (mirroring Eden), the gate to enter was on the east, so the priests would enter the holy places headed west and go back into the land when they left the temple going east.

    ❑ This is the fulfillment of prophecy, “A star will come out of Jacob” – This prophecy states the דרך (way) of the star (Messiah) will be from a period of Jacob before he became Israel. Yet the scepter will come after Jacob became Israel[3]. This is to say that Messiah will come during a corrupt nation and show them the way signaled by a star. Afterwards he will come with a scepter and rule over them. Balaam made the prophecy of the star in Numbers 24:17 and was from the east[4] and an astrologer of Pharoah[5].

    ❑ “I see him but not now, I behold him, but not near. A star shall come out of Jacob. A scepter will rise out of Israel.” (Numbers 24:17). Are we not told that Israel is not governed by the stars (Shabbat 156a)? This is Messiah’s arrival to a nation unworthy of redemption; he does not rule or govern Israel but only calls them to repent and is found lowly on the back of a donkey (Zechariah 9:9). But when does Messiah become a scepter? Only after he has risen and ascended – then he will come with the clouds of heaven (Sanhedrin 98a) and rule as a scepter. As it is written “A scepter will rise” and “come with the clouds of heaven”.

    Come to prostrate [προσκυνῆσαι] before him ― The Greek LXX employs προσκυνῆσαι numerous times when showing respect to someone worthy of honor[6]. However, this honor is not to be given to false gods nor is it due to ungodly rulers[7] and is considered idolatry to do so.

    👑 Messiah is one like David – for it is written, “the congregation bowed and προσκυνῆσαι Hashem and King David” (1 Chronicles 29:20).

    3. he [Herod] was troubled ― Herod was notoriously paranoid about threats to his power. The people were claiming that a new King of the Jews (Herod’s current title) had been born, and thus a threat to his kingship.

    And all Jerusalem with him ― Israel knew that the signs of heaven were not something to be afraid of as it states, “Do not learn the ways of the nations or be terrified by signs in the heavens, though the nations are terrified by them.” (Jeremiah 10:2-4). They were not terrified of the sign of heaven or a coming king, but rather of Herod – the existing king.

    ❑ It states “and all Jerusalem with him” rather than “him and all of Jerusalem” because Herod’s anger knew no bounds. Herod’s reaction to perceived threats was often swift and brutal. The populace of Jerusalem, aware of Herod’s history of ruthless actions to secure his power, feared the potential for violent reprisals. The announcement of a new king would lead to increased surveillance, arrests, and even executions, contributing to a general sense of unease and fear.

    4. Gathering the chief priests and scribes ― The magi are unaware of the location of the Messiah but know when the Messiah was born. The scribes and priests are unaware the Messiah was born but know the location where he will be born. Herod strategically gathered all necessary information without arousing suspicion from either group.

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  • Matthew 2:1 (Zoroastrians, Magi, and the Birth Timeline)

    Magi from the east ― The Greek transliterated term magi (μάγοι) derives from the Persian word magoi. Its origin refers to a class of priests from Persia (and part of the Median tribe) associated with the Zoroastrian religion. However, the term became more popular to refer to ‘astrologer’ or ‘kabbalist’, which was an academic pursuit rather than an ethnic identification. Magi is the same word used of “Barjesus”/ Elymas in Acts 13:6-8 informing us that the title magi doesn’t preclude these “wise men” from being Jews themselves. The word Magi doesn’t seem to indicate ethnic status but rather an occupational or academic proficiency.

    ❑ The magi are mentioned as coming from the east indicating that these are some of the Jews who remained in Babylon. These Jews studied among the Zoroastrian experts in astrology while adhering to an early form of kabbalah[1].

    Magi were known for their expertise in astrology and interpretation of dreams, indicating some level of scholarship passed down from Daniel who became a head over the magi in the Babylonian court[2].

    [1] Kabbalah is an esoteric practice within Judaism that seeks to explain the nature of the Divine, the creation of the universe, and the human soul's connection to Hashem. [2] Antiquities of the Jews 10.11.7

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  • Matthew 2:1 (Hillel and Shammai)

    1. When Jesus was born in Bethlehem ― Bethlehem (בית לחם) means ‘house of bread’. Bethlehem is a two-hour walk from Jerusalem. The following events take place after the birth of Jesus estimated to be around ~6 BCE.

    in the days of King Herod ― Herod the Great, ruled Judea from 34 BCE until his death in 2 BCE. Herod's rule was characterized by political intrigue and brutality. Herod's paranoia and the violent suppression of any perceived threats to his power contributed to his reputation as a tyrant along with his heavy taxation and forced labor.[1]

    🕮 The Life of Herod the Great
    Herod was born in 73 BCE to Antipater the Idumean (Edomite), and Cypros, a Nabatean Arab princess. Antipater was a powerful official under Hyrcanus II, one of the last Hasmonean kings.

    Herod’s family were servants in the Hasmonean court. Antipater was a key advisor and supporter of Hyrcanus II. Under Hycranus II, the Idumeans (including Herod’s family) were forced to convert to Judaism in 2nd century BCE.

    Antipater had an increasing political influence and alliance with Julius Caesar, In 47 BCE, Antipater capitalized on his relationship with Julius Caesar and his own position of power to secure important positions for his sons. Herod was appointed Governor of Galilee by his father shortly after.

    After Julius Ceasar’s assassination in 44 BCE, Antipater and his family sided with Mark Antony.

    In 40 BCE, Herod fled to Rome due to a Parthian invasion and internal conflicts in Judea. There, the Roman senate appointed him “King of the Jews”, largely due to the influence of Mark Antony and Augustus (then Octavian)[1].

    With Rome’s backing, Herod returned to Judea in 39 BCE, and within two years, he successfully defeated the Parthians and all his Hasmonean rivals, securing his position as “king of the Jews”. To solidify his claim as king, Herod divorced his first wife and married a Hasmonean princess named Mariamne – hoping it would legitimize his rule by linking himself to the Hasmonean dynasty. However, there were still Hasmoneans who had a greater claim to the throne. In 30 BCE, Herod executed Hyrcanus II and other members of the Hasmonean family. He later also executed the sons of two of his wives on suspicion of treason.

    Herod consistently wanted validation from the Jews and acceptance as their king. However, the law states that a rightful king must be a native-born Jew[2] and from the line of David, and Herod was a convert. When the sages told Herod this, Herod became enraged and ordered the sages be killed except one (Bava ben Buta). Herod had him blinded and forced him to wear a crown of thorns at all times. He taunted Bava relentlessly, but Bava remained quiet and refused to curse him[3]. Herod realized how righteous the sages were due to Bava’s actions, and Herod repented. To make amends for blinding Bava and taking away the sages (who were called the eyes of the nation), Herod expanded the temple[4] (which is called the eyes of the world[5]) and built it up to be grander than it previously was[6] in 20 BCE.

    🕮 Herod’s Jewish Support
    The Herodians were a group of Jewish supporters of the Herodian dynasty, which ruled parts of Palestine and neighboring areas from around 55 BC to AD 93. The Herodians were political followers of King Herod and sought to keep Herod (or his descendants) to the throne in Judea and other areas ruled by Herod the Great. They favored submitting to the Herods, and consequently to Rome, for political expediency.

    [1] Antiquities of the Jews 15.7.4, The Jewish War 1.22.3, Antiquities of the Jews 17.11.4 [2] Deuteronomy 17:15 [3] Bava Batra 3b & 4a [4] Antiquities of the Jews 15.11.1 [5] Ezekiel 24:21 [6] Bava Basra 4a

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  • Timeline Leading up to Matthew 2

    It helps to know the context leading up to Matthew. This episode is a discussion on those elements.

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  • Matthew 1:22-25 (Isaiah 7:14)
    22. Now all this has happened that it might be fulfilled ― The following reference to Isaiah 7:14 is not traditionally ascribed to being a messianic prophecy. 23. the παρθένος shall conceive ― The original word in Isaiah is almah which denotes a young maiden, not necessarily a virgin, but often associated with being one and pre-adolescent (menstrual virgin)[1]. Radak, Rashi, and Rabbi Levi ben Gershon interpret Isaiah 7:14 to imply she was of marriageable age rather than ‘virgin’ signifying the status of a na’arah. ❑ The Greek utilizes the term parthenos (παρθένος) often implies virgin but not always[2]. This may also be an equivalent of the Hebraic term to denote a halachic virgin; potentially being a menstrual virgin (young woman) and/or hymen-blood virgin. 👑 The prophecy is given to King Ahaz about the future King Hezekiah[3] and fulfilled in Isaiah 9. The prophecy is given for all future messianic figures. For Jesus, the two kings of 7:16 are none other than Herod the Great (rule ended in 4 CE) and his son Herod Archelaus (rule ended in 6 CE). They shall call his name Immanuel ― This is only symbolic and not his actual name. Like Hezekiah, his reign will be marked by religious reform and a return to the worship of Hashem emphasizing that Hashem was indeed with His people through Hezekiah’s leadership and actions. The resurrection of Jesus was an emphasis that Hashem was with him. The role of Messiah is to bring heaven to earth and make earth a dwelling place for Hashem. Saying that he will be called Immanuel (like Hezekiah) will be that he will usher in an era where Hashem can be with mankind. This is brought about by way of influence and order, leading a global repentance and the desire to carry out the will of Hashem, making earth into a home worthy of His glory. ❑ This is being fulfilled partially as dominating religions have left their pagan ways and started turning back to Hashem because of Jesus. The final culmination of this will be upon the arrival of the Messianic era. ❑ He is named Jesus to begin, for he will bring the world to repentance. He “will be called” Immanuel, because this is the name he will acquire upon completion of the task, when the earth has been made into a dwelling place for Hashem. 24. and took his wife to himself; ― He formally married Mary. ❑ Joseph sent Mary away initially (Luke 1:39) to contemplate what he wants to do. After his dream and 3 months passed (Matthew 1:20-21), he then took Mary back as a wife (Luke 1:56). In Jewish law, a betrothed woman who is pregnant early in betrothal (especially in an unusual manner – such as a halachic virgin) would be sent away for three months to ensure the child was conceived at the time of betrothal or afterward and not before. This ensures the father and tribal affiliation of the child are correctly assigned[4]. 25. didn’t know her [Mary] until she had given birth ― To have sexual intercourse with full insertion rendering her no longer a hymen-blood virgin. This is not a requirement to be married if the other aspects have been fulfilled. her firstborn son ― The text states “her firstborn” and not “his” or “their”, for Joseph was old in age, and this was a second marriage. Joseph had children with his prior wife[5]. He [Joseph] named him Jesus ― It is the role of the biological father to carry out two primary duties for his son if he is living[6] [1] Yalkut me’am Loez Mozanim Isaiah 7:14 [2] Homer’s Iliad Book 2 line 514, Pindar’s Pythian Odes – Ode 3 line 34, Sophocles’ Trachiniae (The Women of Trachis) line 1219, Aristophanes’ Cloud (Nubes) line 530. [3] 2 Chronicles 29:1 Hezekiah is 25 years old when he takes the throne, putting his birth within a year after the prophecy was made. See Isaiah 7:14-17 (prophecy) & Isaiah 9:6 (fulfillment). [4] Mishnah Yevamot 4:10 [5] Epiphanius of Salamis – Panarion (Against Heresies), Jerome – Against Helvidius Chapter 21 [6] Kiddushin 29a
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  • Matthew 1:20-21 (He shall save people)
    20. in a dream ― A dream is 1/60th prophecy[1]. an angel of Hashem ― This is Gabriel, the same angel who appeared to Mary[2]. Gabriel is known for delivering important messages from Hashem[3], destruction of the wicked[4], Intercessor and protector[5], and the angel of fire[6]. conceived in her is of the Holy Spirit” ― Though it seemed impossible, it was an act of Hashem that she was able to conceive his child. While every birth is of the Holy Spirit[7], mentioning it directly highlights the role of Hashem’s plan and influence in the conception. 21. you shall name him Jesus ― Hashem instructs many people to give their children specific names: · Abraham is told to name his child Isaac. (Genesis 17:19) · Hagar is told to name her child Ishmael (Genesis 16:11) · David is told to name his child Solomon (1 Chronicles 22:9) · Jeroboam is told to name his son Josiah (1 Kings 13:2) · Zechariah is told to name his son John (Luke 1:13) We see that Hashem only commands the paternal parent of the child. With respect to Hagar, it is ‘her’ child and not Abram’s even though he is biologically the parent. Scriptures refer to Ishmael along with the other sons of Abram’s concubines as ‘son of his concubines[8]’ rather than ‘his sons from his concubines’. An objection is raised to this: if the sons of the concubines are not the sons of the father, then what shall we say of Dan, Naphtali, Gad, and Asher, who compose four of the twelve tribes of Jacob born to the concubines Zilpah and Bilhah? This is because these concubines were from the house of Laban and from the same extended family as Jacob[9]. Hagar, however, was an Egyptian daughter of Pharoah[10]. It was not until she encountered an angel that she confirmed faith in Hashem – for until that time, Ishmael was “her son” and not Abram’s. When she returned, it was Abram who named him Ishmael and there he is referred to as a son of Abram[11]. Later, Ishmael was only Abram’s son and not Abraham’s son, because Abraham’s name changed from Abram prior to the birth of Isaac but after the birth of Ishmael. ❑ The name Jesus is the Greek transliteration of the Hebraic name (Yeshua) which is commonly translated as Joshua. Yeshua comes from the root word yesh – meaning to have or to exist. This is to say that true ‘salvation’ comes from a closer existence with Hashem. he shall save his people from their sins ― Hashem is strict with the righteous due to a higher level of holiness they are responsible to uphold[12]. This causes the common man to repent out of love rather than fear because Hashem has dealt overly kind towards them in comparison. ❑ In life he will call people to repent[13], and his death with atone for many (Moed Katan 28a). This is to say that his death will inspire many to repent out of love for Hashem and thus have a greater life (Leviticus 18:5, Psalm 119). ❑ He will save people from sin because his resurrection will demonstrate that the resurrection of the dead is true and that there is a future hope, inspiring others to repent and turn toward Hashem's proper path. This is during a time when many did not believe in the resurrection of the dead or the future hope (e.g.: Sadducees). [1] Berachot 57b [2] Luke 1:26-28 [3] Daniel 8:16-17, Daniel 9:21-22 [4] Shabbat 55b, Sanhedrin 95b [5] Targum Yonatan on Genesis 18:3, Rabbah Genesis 50:2, Pesachim 118a, Yoma 77a [6] Yoma 21b [7] Genesis 4:1, Niddah 31a, Zohar Vol 1 91b [8] Genesis 25:6 (See also: Even HaEzer 8:5, Kiddushin 68b, Kiddushin 3:12) [9] Genesis 29:29, Genesis 30:3-8, Genesis 29:24, Genesis 30:9-13 [10] Midrash Rabbah 45:1 [11] Genesis 16:15, Genesis 17:18, Genesis 17:20, Genesis 21:11-13, Genesis 25:9 [12] David was judged by his thoughts (Shabbos 56a & Sanhedrin 107a on 2 Samuel 11:27). See also James 3:1 & Sukkah 52a [13] Matthew 19:16-19, Matthew 5:17-20, John 14:15, John 15:10, Matthew 22:37-40, Matthew 23:1
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  • Matthew 1:19 (Putting away secretly)

    19. not willing to make her a public example ― If a betrothed woman was found to be pregnant by someone other than her betrothed, it was considered adultery, which carried severe legal and social consequences, including public shaming or stoning (Deuteronomy 22:23-24). Since Joseph had only performed erusin with a na’arah, it would seem impossible for Mary to have conceived. To accuse her of adultery would involve a public accusation and trial which would expose Mary to community scrutiny and punishment.

    put her away secretly ― Secret only in the sense of the public’s eye. The term ‘put away’ means to end the arrangement (typically through a divorce certificate), which must be done in the presence of two to three witnesses. This minimizes public knowledge. By opting for a quiet divorce, Joseph shows a desire to avoid a public scandal. If the child was suspected to not be his, then he is properly choosing a balance of justice and mercy – upholding legal propriety while mitigating harm to Mary.

    ❑ Judah suspected Tamar (daughter of a priest) of adultery and wanted to make her a public example. He later found out it was his own child. Joseph brings reconciliation to this. Joseph (from the tribe of Judah) suspects Mary (daughter of the Levitical priestly line) of adultery and does not want to make her a public example. He later found out it was his own child.

    ❑ Anyone who makes the accusation that their betrothed was not a halachic virgin would be subject to lashes and a fine – if he was wrong[1].

    ❑ Under mi’un, (refusal) one who is engaged under the age of 12 can walk away from the marriage with no questions asked, and there is no divorce certificate required[2]. The marriage is considered invalid from the start if the girl performs mi’un. She is free to marry anyone else without restrictions.
    [1] Mishnah Ketubot 1:6, Babylonian Talmud Ketubot 46a-46b, Even HaEzer 68:1-3 [2] Yevamot 13:1, Yevamot 107a-109b, Even HaEzer 155.

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  • Matthew 1:18 (Before marriage)

    After his mother, Mary, was engaged to Joseph Engaged is somewhat inaccurate but only for lack of a better translation. The Hebraic term is erusin which is a formal and legally binding agreement. Neither party can end this stage of marriage without a formal certificate of divorce (called a get) handed to the woman. Erusin is obtained in three ways and must include the intent of marriage;

    · Ha’ara’ah: The beginning stages of consummation (foreplay or partial penetration – not to break the hymen)

    · Kesef: handing the woman some money or something worth monetary value of at least a perutah (a very small amount).

    · Shtar: handing the woman a written document stating erusin in the presence of witnesses.

    before they came together The Greek term συνελθεῖν (came together) can imply physical cohabitation or coming together under one roof. It can be in reference to full consummation (full penetration), but the term does not always imply sexual relations.

    Matthew is likely indicating that she has been obtained as a bride by Joseph through one of the acts of erusin, but the following pregnancy was before they lived together and had not yet completed the formal marriage ceremony (nisuin) which requires five things;

    · Kesef: Value of a perutah

    · Chuppah: Going under a canopy with the formal ceremony

    · Yichud: Isolation after erusin

    · Bi’ah HaMa’aseh: The completion of sexual intercourse with full penetration.

    · Ketubah: Contract

    she was found pregnant by the Holy Spirit This is in the likeness of Rachel and Joseph. Rachel’s womb was opened up by Hashem and she conceived Joseph[1]. Likewise, Mary being a young woman (almah or na’arah) with a womb not yet opened, had her womb opened and she conceived and gave birth to the one who would fulfill the role of Messiah of Joseph.

    ❑ This is in the likeness of Sarah and Isaac. For Sarah was advanced in age, but Hashem returned her youth to her and allowed her to become pregnant by the spirit[2]. In contrast, Mary was too youthful and not yet capable of conceiving as she was a na’arah (someone who is legally allowed to be married, but has minimal puberty signs) but had not yet had a menstrual cycle[3]. Hashem gave her the ability to be pregnant before signs of fertility were present, acting in a miraculous manner. Just as Isaac was a promised seed, so too is Messiah called the promised seed. Just as Sarah is the mother of a promised child, so too is Mary the mother of a promised child.

    [1] Genesis 30:22 [2] Genesis 18:13-14, Galatians 4:28-30, Genesis Rabbah 53:9, Bava Metzia 87a [3] Even HaEzer 155, Ketubot 46a, Niddah 45b

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