
  • Let it Be to Me According to Your Word | Ep. 144

    The stories in the Bible are not mere stories to tell our children for entertainment. Once we realize that these "stories" are actually God's word spoken through the lives of those long gone directly to us, by mixing our faith with His words we can live and experience not only the power of God in our lives, but also His faithfulness, mercy, and unending love toward us who believe.

    In this podcast, we delve into what it really means to mix your faith with God's word. Be blessed in the hearing, but more so in the doing of His word.

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    May God bless you and make you prosperous in Him as you listen and obey His voice!

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    1 時間 5 分
  • Mediators - Ministers of Reconciliation | Ep. 143

    Join us as we explore Jesus Christ's role as the ultimate mediator who established a new covenant filled with better promises and eternal hope? We draw from the scriptures of 1 Timothy and Hebrews and discuss the responsibility believers have in embodying the ministry of reconciliation, becoming true ambassadors for Christ.

    We consider the timeless stories of mediation found within scripture, from the unbreakable bond between Jonathan and David to Moses's courageous negotiations with Pharaoh. Witness Jonathan's selfless protection of David and the lasting covenant they forge, while considering Moses's pivotal role in leading the Israelites toward freedom. Through these narratives, we uncover the profound lessons of loyalty, faithfulness, and the enduring impact of keeping one's word in the quest for justice and liberation. Revisit the dramatic account of Abigail's intervention between David and Nabal, where wisdom and humility shine through as powerful tools for peace. Abigail's astute actions not only prevent bloodshed but earn her respect and admiration, highlighting the themes of intercession and forgiveness.

    As we close, we reflect on our calling to be peacemakers, inspired by Jesus's teachings, while emphasizing the spiritual calling to pursue peace in every relationship, guided by the Spirit to bring harmony into our lives and the lives of others.

    "Message Our Father's Heart a Question or Response"

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    May God bless you and make you prosperous in Him as you listen and obey His voice!

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    44 分
  • The Prayer of a Stranger | Ep. 142

    Uncover the power of faith and determination through the inspiring story of the Syrophoenician woman who sought Jesus' help for her daughter. We'll explore how her persistence and humility impressed Jesus, leading to a miraculous healing. By examining both Mark's and Matthew's accounts, we'll reveal the deeper insights and differences that each perspective provides, illustrating the power of true faith.

    Discover how the testimony of this woman is connected to the prayer of King Solomon during the dedication of the Temple. Solomon's vision of inclusivity and humility showcases a God who cannot be confined to earthly structures, emphasizing the eternal reach of His divine presence. We'll reflect on Solomon's prayer for both Israelites and Gentiles, highlighting the universal nature of God's love and how His ear is open to all who will approach Him with godly reverence, fear, and humility.

    Delve into theological insights regarding the nature of Jesus Christ, exploring scriptures like Colossians 2:9 and 2 Corinthians 5:19. Understand how the fullness of the Godhead in Jesus plays a crucial role for both insiders and outsiders. We'll also emphasize the importance of a heart aligned with God's ways in prayer, referencing Solomon's wisdom. By aligning our ways with God's, we can seek divine guidance and experience the transformative power of prayer that recognizes the only true God.

    "Message Our Father's Heart a Question or Response"

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    May God bless you and make you prosperous in Him as you listen and obey His voice!

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    40 分
  • Prayers of the Righteous | Ep. 141

    This episode promises to enrich your understanding of prayer and faith through the inspiring stories of biblical figures. As illustrated by the Syrophoenician woman's encounter with Jesus in Matthew 15, her unwavering faith and relentless pursuit of Jesus' help serve as a powerful testament to the answered prayer of Solomon's heartfelt plea in 1 Kings 8.

    Moving further, we dissect the themes of faith and authority, highlighting the centurion's story and the wisdom found in James 4:1-4. We confront the harsh truth about selfish prayers and the conflicts they breed, urging listeners to align their desires with God's will. Through Job's story, we delve into the importance of silence and discernment, reminding us to seek God’s heart over our own requests. This episode challenges us to reflect deeply on our prayer life and the significance of spiritual maturity, drawing on profound scriptural insights to encourage a more aligned and faithful prayer practice.

    In our final segments, we delve into the essential practices of fasting, prayer, and Bible study as the bedrock of spiritual growth. Highlighting the patience and endurance required for true spiritual maturity, we recount the trials faced by biblical figures like Joseph, Gideon, and Abraham, emphasizing the transformative power of waiting on the Lord. Personal anecdotes and scriptural wisdom create a rich tapestry of encouragement for anyone seeking deeper faith and spiritual renewal. Join us for an episode brimming with insights that promise to elevate your spiritual journey and challenge us to deepen our relationship with God.

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    May God bless you and make you prosperous in Him as you listen and obey His voice!

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    1 時間 1 分
  • Hosea - Salvation | Ep. 140

    Join us as we unravel the profound metaphorical and historical layers of the prophetic book of Hosea, exploring his mission through the reigns of four kings of Judah and one king of Israel. Discover how Hosea's life, including his marriage to Gomer, serves as a poignant symbol of Israel's unfaithfulness to God, what this ancient narrative can teach us about spiritual adultery and redemption, and God's faithfulness to His remnant.

    Consider with us through the vivid imagery used by Hosea and Ezekiel the gravity of Israel's infidelity and God's enduring mercy. We'll draw fascinating comparisons between their messages and reflect on the enduring significance of the Old Covenant. We'll also delve into the prophetic connections between Jerusalem and Babylon, illustrating divine judgment, spiritual infidelity, and the remnant who will survive God’s wrath. Our discussion aims to provide a deeper understanding of how these themes transcend time, offering lessons that are relevant to us today.

    In our final exploration, we'll highlight the themes of divine judgment and redemption through the lens of purification and eternal betrothal. We'll discuss how God's love and mercy persist despite Israel's repeated rebellions, and reflect on the New Testament's continuation of these themes, particularly through 1 Peter. We'll challenge you to choose God's word over human ideologies, emphasizing the necessity of faithfulness even in the face of impending judgment. This enlightening episode promises to deepen your understanding of the profound spiritual lessons woven throughout the book of Hosea.

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    May God bless you and make you prosperous in Him as you listen and obey His voice!

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    1 時間 36 分
  • The Knowledge of Good and Evil vs The Spirit of God and The Love of God | Ep. 139

    What if your understanding of love and knowledge was completely turned upside down? Join us as we unravel the profound journey from living under the influence of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil to experiencing the transformative power of the tree of life, made accessible through Jesus' death and resurrection. We'll reflect on Jesus' critique of the Pharisees and the limitations of merely knowing right from wrong, exploring instead the depths of God's love, mercy, and faith that often get overlooked.

    We'll tackle the pitfalls of worldly love and the dangers of possessing knowledge of God's commandments without embodying their essence. Reflecting on the story of Lot's wife and scriptures from 1 John, we emphasize the need for a heartfelt commitment to God's will, rather than a superficial adherence to rules. Through powerful examples from scripture and song, we illustrate how genuine deeds and compassion are essential to truly living out God's love, as opposed to merely understanding it intellectually.

    Lastly, we delve into the pivotal role of the Holy Spirit and the supremacy of divine love in the Christian life. From the events of Pentecost to Paul’s teachings in 1 Corinthians 13, we highlight how the Holy Spirit empowers us to access everything we need for life and godliness, linking divine attributes such as healing, provision, and peace to the Spirit's work. We'll challenge you to embrace a biblical mindset rooted in agape love, moving beyond reformist thinking to embody the divine love that completes and restores us.

    "Message Our Father's Heart a Question or Response"

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    May God bless you and make you prosperous in Him as you listen and obey His voice!

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    1 時間 4 分
  • Womanhood and Motherhood (Part 3) | Ep. 138

    Drawing from personal experiences and the biblical story of the Garden of Eden, we bring to life the importance of making thoughtful decisions that foster unity, especially during pivotal transitions like heading off to college. Wisdom and insights from God play a crucial role in this journey, helping us navigate challenges and strengthening our familial bonds.

    Embracing growth and change in relationships is no small feat. We share personal stories that highlight the necessity of flexibility and allowing ourselves and our loved ones to evolve without the weight of past perceptions. Listen as we discuss the complexities of parenting adult children, forgiving past mistakes, and the grace required to endure life's consequences. Through heartfelt anecdotes, we emphasize the importance of personal growth through repentance and seeking God's guidance, all while supporting one another in our spiritual journeys.

    Lastly, we tackle the art of letting go and trusting in God's plan amidst personal struggles with anxiety. Reflecting on scriptures from Proverbs, we explore how surrendering control to God can bring comfort and wisdom during tough times. The balance between making plans and trusting God's direction is crucial, and we assure you that joy indeed comes after periods of weeping. Wrapping up, we reflect on the blessings and devotion inherent in motherhood. Tune in for heartfelt insights and uplifting encouragement that will resonate deeply with your own life experiences.

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    May God bless you and make you prosperous in Him as you listen and obey His voice!

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    36 分
  • Womanhood and Motherhood (Part 2) | Ep. 137

    Have you ever felt like your personal desires were leading you down a path you never imagined? My wife's journey, filled with unexpected pain and joy, serves as a poignant illustration of how personal ambitions can obstruct a higher calling. We discuss her initial motivations that led to her first marriage and the subsequent experiences that led to her finding Jesus. This detour led to her obtaining her true desire and divine purpose.

    Modern society's quest for identity and morality leads us away from what is natural and good. We explore societal trends like DINKs (Double Income, No Kids) and contrast that with the fulfillment found in parenting, highlighting a movie where a career-driven woman finds unexpected joy through caring for a child. Along the way, we draw parallels to the biblical story of Babel and examine humanity's attempts to redefine itself, often resulting in self-destruction. With a mother’s compassion, we discuss complex issues such as plastic surgery, gender transition, and the moral implications of abortion. We reflect on the spiritual and societal consequences of defying God's divine order in creation, all the while emphasizing the need for empathy and understanding in addressing these sensitive topics.

    How can we build and sustain meaningful communities that nurture our spiritual growth? In our conversation about local fellowships, we stress the importance of recognizing and amplifying each individual's talents and gifts. We share insights from her experience in a large Dallas church, where the sense of unity and inclusivity left a lasting impact. Yet, we also address the heartbreak of losing fellow members, underlining the necessity of intentional restoration, reconciliation, and fellowship. Through the metaphor of pruning a dying branch, we illustrate the importance of staying connected to God and each other, fostering a community where everyone thrives together.

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    May God bless you and make you prosperous in Him as you listen and obey His voice!

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    43 分