
  • Encore Conducting Investigations in Nairobi
    Where do you turn when information is needed in Africa, whether it is conducting research or a background check? How do you go about vetting an individual from an African country? This could include something so basic as determining someone’s full name, details of their identity card, validation of academic certificates, professional qualifications, or property ownership. As the world becomes smaller, it becomes more and more necessary to know who to contact to obtain critical details. Tune in to hear Nairobi, Kenya’s Sam Jim Mwanyasi discuss risk management from an African perspective.
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  • Encore Cyber Crime: Chasing Digital Footprints
    Digital evidence can often be modified with ease so whether it is gathered from a computer, a cell phone, a flash drive or any other device, digital forensic investigators must handle evidence in a manner that ensures their conclusions are based upon factual evidence and their own personal expert knowledge. Is there evidence of a crime? Can an alibi be confirmed? What about the intent to commit a crime? Is there a document that needs authentication? What about identifying a stalker, a perpetrator of industrial espionage, or a threat to national security? Join us to hear cutting edge cyber crime investigator Dave Townsend, the expert who examined computers belonging to two high profile cases, one from Scott Peterson's double homicide case and the other from the case involving the allegations of child exploitation charged against Michael Jackson.
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  • Encore Photography: Tips From An Expert
    Would you like to become a more proficient photographer? Are you interested in hearing tips and tricks from a professional? Taking photographs under an array of circumstances for an assortment of reasons is an essential skill for many, but it is a principal tool in the private investigator’s tool box for gathering evidence. Tune in to hear Certified Evidence Photographer Keith Rosenthal share his expert but practical knowledge.
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  • Encore Corrupt Cops & A Crooked PI: A Tale of Conspiracy, Fraud & Deceit
    For two years, the sordid saga of conspiracy and criminal acts of a California Private Investigator and a Contra Costa County Narcotics Enforcement Team (CNET) Task Force Commander rocked Northern California. Not only did they sell drugs confiscated from evidence, but they also ran a brothel and provided paid protection for the bawdy-house prostitutes. It didn’t stop there! This PI, conspiring with a family law attorney and utilizing his female soccer mom PI’s, set up “Dirty DUIs” on husbands in contested child custody cases. Further driven by greed, he and his staff of mommy PI’s used actors to fake cheaters cases to gain media attention and develop a TV series. Tune in to hear Pete Crooks discuss his connection to this merry band of co-conspirators he chronicled in his recently released book, The Setup: A True Story of Dirty Cops, Soccer Moms, and Reality TV.
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  • Encore Understanding and Investigating Military Law Cases
    Many of us have had some experience with the U.S. state or federal court system. Whether it is a traffic ticket, a small claims suit, something more serious or just from watching T.V., we probably have a basic comprehension or expectation of the rules that are applicable. Do the same rules apply in the military? How do the policies of the court and the legal proceedings vary? What determines military jurisdiction? Does a person charged with a crime have the same rights in military courts compared to other U.S.courts; or are there differences? How are charges investigated? These many questions and others will be addressed by former Navy line officer and military law attorney Judith Litzenberger and private investigator George Michael Newman, both whom have experience with cases in the military arena.
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  • Encore Investigation: An Attorney's Vicarious Liability
    Private investigators must be aware of how their actions may impact others. The American Bar Association’s Model Rules of Conduct sets forth directives for behavior not only for attorneys but for non-lawyers as well and are enforceable in all but eight states. Violations can result in sanctions or worse. Therefore. If a lawyer retains an investigator, that attorney is liable for the investigator’s actions. Certainly, there are gray areas in investigation tactics, but some, particularly when it applies to surveillance, pretexting, GPS tracking, and social media are mine-fields unless there is a clear understanding between the investigator and the attorney regarding the assigned tasks. Whose responsibility is it then? Ultimately it is counsel’s responsibility, but private investigators must also take the lead to ensure what techniques can be used for a particular assignment. Join PI’s Declassified and Attorney Forrest Plesko discuss strategies to avoid these ethical pitfalls.
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  • Encore Criminal Defense: A Search for the Truth
    Have you ever wondered exactly what a criminal defense investigator does? Are you one of those people who question why people represent criminals? Are you one who wrinkles up your nose and asks, “How can you do that kind of work?” Even though much has changed in the American justice system, rights of even those who are accused of committing crimes are still protected by the United States Constitution. Daniel Dafoe said, “I hear much of people’s calling out to punish the guilty. But very few are concerned to clear the innocent.” There is no investigator better qualified to talk about criminal defense investigations than Brandon Perron, private investigator, criminal defense expert, author, and founder of both the Criminal Defense Investigations Training Council and the Board Certified Criminal Defense Investigator Program. Do not miss this discussion! You will not be sorry.
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  • Encore Private Investigations and the Changing Landscape
    Is the private investigation profession shrinking due to governmental regulations or local laws, or do private investigators have to start looking at their work with a different perspective? To be successful, a private investigator has to run their agency like a business, a skill that is often underdeveloped before entering the field. Having some expertise or getting advise in the areas of business administration, personnel, public relations, and marketing are key. No longer can a PI continue to provide investigative services without understanding how to run a business nor offering a single service or product. The world landscape is in flux. Terrorism and mass shootings point to a need for those with security experience to step forward. Therefore, security consulting is a viable niche area worth exploring for expanding a PIs influence. Join PI’s Declassified! to hear security expert, William “Bill” Blake discuss the value and benefit of becoming a security consultant.
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