In this lesson of Sūrah At-Tawbah, verses 34-36, Shaykh Dr. Aḥsan Ḥanīf discusses Allāh’s عَزَّوَجَلَّ stern warning against corrupt religious leaders who exploit people's wealth unjustly and divert them from His path. The verses also condemn the hoarding of wealth without spending it in the way of Allāh, vividly describing the torment awaiting such individuals in the Hereafter as their hoarded gold and silver will be used to brand their bodies in Hell. Furthermore, Allāh عَزَّوَجَلَّ establishes the significance of twelve lunar months, highlighting four as sacred and commanding believers to uphold justice, avoid wrongdoing, and stand united against opposition, with the assurance that He is with the righteous.