Laurie Fass discusses how animals communicate, highlighting the book Why Animals Talk: The New Science of Animal Communication by Arik Kershenbaum. She focuses on how dogs and cats vocalize, with an emphasis on dogs, exploring why they vocalize, the meaning behind different vocalizations, and how pet owners should respond. Additionally, she takes a call from a listener seeking advice on integrating a new cat into a home with other cats, addressing issues of feline conflict. Laurie announced her upcoming group class starting in March. Information here Windsor | Laurie Fass Dog Training West Hartford | Laurie Fass Dog Training A book about animal communication Laurie recently read is "Why Animals Talk" by Arik Kershenbausm. Laurie gives a brief review of the book and weighs in on her experience with dogs and cats. A caller wanted to know the best way to calm his older cat's aggressive behavior towards a new cat.