
  • Episode 10 - Are We Free to Be Evil?

    In this episode, Mike and Duncan finish off their free will trilogy (free willy trilly) by talking about free will in relation to the classic philosophical problem of evil. Are they in completely over their heads tackling such a profound topic? Did they do it justice? Let them know at thecomedianandthephilosopher@gmail.com

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    1 時間 30 分
  • Episode 9 - Should the Police and the Electoral College Be Abolished?

    In this episode, Mike and Duncan look at some arguments in-depth related to the recent controversies surrounding the defunding/abolition of the police and the Electoral College. Specifically, Mariame Kaba's op-ed in the New York Times, " Yes, We Mean Literally Abolish the Police," and a documentary on Amazon Prime, "Safeguard: An Electoral College Story." This sounds pretty heavy, but the guys try to keep things light while also doing these arguments justice. How well did they do? Let them know at thecomedianandthephilosopher@gmail.com

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    1 時間 24 分
  • Episode 8 - Are We Free to Not Talk About Gina Carano?

    Mike and Duncan reflect upon the end of Black History Month and well-intentioned white people gone horribly wrong, voting under the influence of psychedelics, and the latest round-up of cancel culture fun! (Yes, that includes yet more talk about Ms. Carano!) Then, about an hour in, they get to what is ostensibly the topic of the episode, more reflections on free will and the intricate philosophical complexities of it. And yet, this is just part 2 of what looks to be an at-least 3 part series! Did we do these topics justice? Let us know at thecomedianandthephilosopher@gmail.com

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    1 時間 32 分
  • Episode 7 - Are You Free to Listen to Us?

    Mike and Duncan begin the episode with more talk about the whole Gina Carano controversy, which leads into reflections on cancel culture and the curious concept of "microaggressions." There is also some discussion about the ethics of misleading the public about the pandemic because Americans are inherently selfish and irresponsible. The centerpiece of the episode is a genuine philosophical discussion about free will - Duncan even reads some passages from David Hume! The conversation concludes with talk about the new documentary about Patrice O'Neal and how there is no justice when it comes to stand-up comedians being successful. Did Mike and Duncan do justice to these topics? Let them know at thecomedianandthephilosopher@gmail.com

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    1 時間 25 分
  • Episode 6 - Love the Art, Hate the Artist!

    Mike and Duncan begin by going over some recent current events, including the situation in Myanmar. By the way, neither of them know anything about Myanmar, but they won't let that stop them! There are also some reflections about Trump's Impeachment 2.0. After that, strangely enough, there is some talk about sports! Mike and Duncan aren't really that into sports, but they're both Cubs fans! Finally they get into the main topic at-hand, which is the recent controversy surrounding Gina Carano getting fired from The Mandalorian for espousing right-wing views. Why is society so obsessed with the personal conduct of its artists? Shouldn't we just be able to appreciate art without worrying about whether or not the people producing it are morally perfect? "NO!" replied society.

    Do you think we did justice to these topics? What else would you like to hear the Comedian and the Philosopher talk about? Let us know at thecomedianandthephilosopher@gmail.com

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    1 時間 34 分
  • Episode 5 - We love Jordan Peterson!
    The episode begins with some discussion about the almighty dollar, whether it relates to the monetization of higher education or just being able to get dirt-cheap office space during a pandemic. But then Mike and Duncan get into the real reason why you came - an in-depth discussion about Jordan Peterson, namely why they think he's so great while also recognizing his controversial and sometimes problematic aspects as well. This then leads into a more general discussion about the inherent virtue of free speech and how it is always in tension with political correctness. The conversation circles back around to Dr. Peterson and a truly disturbing hit piece on him that recently came out in The Times. Finally, there is some talk about "mansplaining" and how it might just be a natural response to "femasking." Did we do these topics justice? We'd love to hear your opinions - thecomedianandthephilosopher@gmail.com
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    2 時間 3 分
  • Episode 4 - Television: Teacher, Mother, Secret Lover

    At the outset, Duncan wants the listeners to know that he knows the names of prominent people in government, even if he doesn't keep up with current events with the same level of care as Mike. But they both practice the principle of charity. Then they offer some reflections on Trump in this somewhat more relaxed age - like him or hate him, he very well may be the most successful President ever! Mike gives a clear and lucid explanation of short selling to Duncan (which one of these guys teaches for a living?!). It turns out the entire game is rigged, and Alex Jones might actually have a point! Mike needed a snowblower for the inclement weather but decided to spend his money on property tax instead - how irresponsible! But the point is - DO NOT BUY PROPERTY! The guys then get into a spirited discussion about ALDI, other grocery stores, and different brands in different parts of the country. Duncan has started reading the indy comic The Boys, which leads into a discussion about the role of moral ambiguity in superheroes and in ancient Greek mythology. Finally, the guys have a discussion about their favorite television shows of all time. We try to keep things light this episode because next week we're gonna talk about Jordan Peterson!!!

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    1 時間 54 分
  • Episode 3 - Sibling Ribaldry
    Mike and Duncan start off with a discussion about history encompassing the Nazis and the Roman Empire, then switch over to the Marvel Universe as its own kind of mythology. Duncan professes his undying love for our Vice President, and finds himself tongue-tied on an imaginary date with her. The policies of the Biden administration lead into a discussion of equality vs equity. There is an extended digression about philosophical thought experiments, including one used by Jonathan Haidt on the ethics of incest. Finally, there is some talk about trans rights and the wokeness.
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    2 時間 1 分