Tasting individual blend components can lead to a better understanding of how those components affect the blends we love and hate. Luke and Matt give black cavendish a taste test and discuss tin notes, flavor notes, etc. Also, Matt’s TAD becomes all the more evident with another mail call.
Links for further exploration:
Master blender Russ Ouellette on black cavendish: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S3sFlXtKaro&pp=ygUcYmxhY2sgY2F2ZW5kaXNoIHBpcGUgdG9iYWNjbw%3D%3D
Jeremy Reeves of Cornell and Diehl on black cavendish: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_kFaMtua4QU&pp=ygUcYmxhY2sgY2F2ZW5kaXNoIHBpcGUgdG9iYWNjbw%3D%3D