ELECTRIC JESUS writer-director Chris White unpacks 9 Key Scenes from the film in Season 2 - Electric Jesus: The Movie Behind the Music. Chris goes deep in reflective and aspirational conversation with fellow artists, acclaimed authors, friends, and fans of the award-winning 2021 film. This week’s guests: Jacob Smith and Doug Van Pelt.
REFERENCE: Purgatorio: Erik Denies His Band Three Times (EJ: 1:17:00 - 1:20:12)
SONGS: 'Passing Through the Wall of Flame’ - Danielson, ‘How a Resurrection Really Feels’ - The Hold Steady, ‘Love’ - Bloody Mass, 'Arcade Reigns' - Familyre Friends, ‘No Way I’m Goin’ Down’ - White Cross, ‘The Lust, the Flesh, the Eyes and the Pride of Life’ - The 77s, ‘I’m Ok, You’re Ok”’ - MXPX
ELECTRIC JESUS LINKS: Electric Jesus: Music From and Inspired By the Motion Picture https://lnk.to/ElectricJesus. EJ Official Website https://electricjesusfilm.com/. EJ Facebook https://www.facebook.com/ejesusfilm. EJ Instagram https://www.instagram.com/ejesusfilm. EJ Twitter https://twitter.com/ejesusfilm. EJ YouTube https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC_t4tvTqhKVDjfMC19tEYog. EJ IMDb https://www.imdb.com/title/tt8666022.
JACOB SMITH: The Parish of Calvary-St. George’s (NYC): https://www.calvarystgeorges.org Same Old Song Podcast: https://thesameoldsong.fireside.fm
DOUG VAN PELT: Heaven’s Metal Magazine Website https://heavensmetalmagazine.com, HMM YouTube https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC60Tib86vnRv7obZ4rcQvSA, HMM Facebook https://www.facebook.com/HeavensMetal, HMM Instagram https://www.instagram.com/heavensmetal/
Produced by Shane Nelson and Chris White for Studio 15. Copyright 2023 Blue Tape Records.
(For all links and Show Notes visit www.EJesusPodcast.com)