Hello people,
Quater ke kisse's PART 3 is here with some more kissa's from Ireland and Mumbai told by our dear Pratik. Enjoy and have a good laugh for the day and keep the doctor away!
Follow @In_today's_menu Instagram for new episode update - https://www.instagram.com/in_todays_menu_/
Follow @PuneriPratik for Fun content - https://www.instagram.com/puneri.pratik/
If you wish to see the video, here - https://www.youtube.com/@INTODAYSMENU
Editors - Abhishek Sharma & Siddhiraj Kulkarni
Camera - 2_light_pixel_Studio - Shantanu Magdum and Prajwal Zarkar
Music - Sumedh Ghodke
Special thanks to @clicknshoots