It’s Part 2 of Justin’s two-part game about the Chinese Zodiac! We also talk about punk rock, Caribbean geography, and a legendary actor!
2:09: Q1 (Music): “Four Horsemen” is one of the tracks on what seminal double album by The Clash, the title of which refers to a station identification phrase used by the BBC World Service during World War II?
7:29: Q2 (Times & Places): One of many places on Earth called Goat Island belongs to what alliteratively named Caribbean nation, with its capital at Port of Spain?
14:54: Q3 (Everything Else): In 2011, two monkeys, - specifically, crested macaques - took selfies using equipment owned by wildlife photographer David J. Slater. This kicked off a multiyear legal dispute that focused on whether nonhumans could own what, defined as the exclusive permission to distribute, adapt, display, and, especially, duplicate, a work?
22:36: Q4 (Movies & TV): Later played by Jeff Bridges in a remake of True Grit, Rooster Cogburn was originally portrayed by what legendary actor, who appeared in some 80 Westerns?
30:44: Q5 (Sports & Games): While huskies and malamutes are the most common breeds in sled dog racing, what is the only dog breed used in track racing, which, much like horse racing, brings in most of its revenue through gambling?
38:59: Q6 (Arts & Literature): A pig named Wilbur and the title character inhabit a barn in a classic children’s novel by what author, who also expanded and updated an early English style guide?
Theme music: "Thinking it Over" by Lee Rosevere, licensed under CC BY 2.0
Time Sensitive Podcast:
Cormac on Twitter: @CormacsThoughts