My history with self care was relatively non-existent until the last few years. I suppose it really began in 2019 with consistently taking care of my body…by late 2020 I was 100% committed (vs 98% committed which we will discuss in a later episode!!!) Getting to the point of wellness where I was able to consistently take care of my body was a huge journey in my pursuit of self care. The realiziation that consistency wasn’t all will power and that discipline actually created freedom I also needed a dream team which I cultivated first with a chiro and acupuncturist. Those two steps were all about physical self care and having feedback when my body was hurt or incapable of something. BUT - it took me taking care of myself and finding a way to make these things happen regularly to support my transformation. 5 years ago I’d not have given myself such an expensive support system. What does it matter if we like or love ourselves anyway? I’ve been in that self loathing place too. The one that lasts for years and has begun again so many times you cannot tell the end from the beginning…How hard is it to take time for someone you don’t like? How difficult is it to show up for someone you don’t love? Especially when showing up is challenging mentally and or physically… I thought about quitting all the time and I thought about doing better, but never really asked myself why I was sabotaging myself personally day in and day out. Why did I continue to go through this two week cycle of ‘being good’ and then ‘falling off the wagon’ or getting hurt, sick, discouraged to the point of quitting or micro quitting. Looking back over my lifetime, I’ve now got the wisdom to see that all of the ways I believed I was taking care of myself were bogus. They were band-aids. I had no idea how to feel or process the feelings that were jumbled up and shoved down inside of me. No idea. So I kept them at bay where I didn’t need to think about them, and I had no idea to release those negative thoughts.…I had no idea that was even a thing until age 29. Why isn’t it a regular practice to teach our kiddos how to feel feelings that are uncomfortable. Those thoughts stayed and festered and morphed into anger, resentment, shame and weight gain. My self care centered around new clothes or something I bought to feel better. Pedicures. Manicures. Massages. Getting my hair done…Exercise - I did serious yoga in my 30’s. I focused 100% of my self care attention on how I looked on the outside. These practices felt indulgent or decadent, and they were. But they didn’t help me like myself at all. These things only felt good in the moment- they didn’t last. Because feeling good because you look good is fleeting. You look good and all the same monsters are still in your mind. Self care is about releasing those monsters. Releasing everything that is holding you back. That is real self care. And how scary does that sound? What was holding me back is what I held on to the tightest because those things helped me feel better in the moment, but the good feeling was fleeting. I was also focused 100% on other people and my career. That is what I was taught to do my entire life. In school, at home and throughout life in general, my focus was always pointed away from me. I was a work-a-holic because i found ALL of my identity in my work. That was the only part of my life I was confident about and happy about. It didn’t occur to me, at all, that I didn’t like myself until I was about 30 years old and I hired a health coach. I wanted to LOSE all the weight I’d been packing on since college. Her approach baffled and delighted me and I began to cultivate an awareness of myself that I’d never understood before. She was the first person to help me understand that my mindset was a huge part of self care. She taught me about negative thought loops and that they could be released. This was pure gold to me. Then one day she asked me to write down 10 traits that I liked about myself…Week after week I failed… Click for Full Show Notes Click here to check out the Consistency Club. Click here to learn more about gut health & the products that have changed my life. I'd say they are one of the most important parts of my self care rituals and systems every day.