Question for you - Have you ever thought to yourself; how could someone believe in a God that tortures and burns people for all eternity? Well, in the last episode we went through many verses in the Bible showing why hellfire is not for eternity, but rather an event that comes to an end. God is love and just, and will recompense with a perfect balance for all unrepented sins committed on this earth. We learned in the last episode that the wages of sin is death in Romans 6:23 - not eternal life for the wicked.
We also learned that it was satan's first and is his oldest trick in his book of deceptions when he said “ye shall not surely die” as the result of sin when talking to Eve in the garden of Eden. He has been using this for thousands of years because of how well it works.
In this episode, we will go through Bible verses that are used by the majority to say that a loving God punishes people in burning hellfire for all eternity in screaming pain, torture, and unbearable agony. If you haven't, please go listen to the first episode to get clarity on this topic of hellfire. Correction: 1. I said "Mary", when I should have said "Martha." In regards to John Chapter 11. 2. When speaking of the continual shewbread in the sanctuary; the priests would replace the twelve loaves every sabbath to represent the Word of God being studied and "consumed" (spiritually speaking) each and every seventh day sabbath. This happen with us too when we study God's Word and go to church each sabbath. After all, Jesus is the "Word made Flesh". And we are called to "eat" God's Word: Jeremiah 15:16, "Thy words were found, and I did eat them; and thy word was unto me the joy and rejoicing of mine heart: for I am called by thy name, O LORD God of hosts."