
  • Why I left Laestadianism, Apostolic Lutheranism, & the First Apostolic Lutheran Church | My Testimony

    It's been an exciting, and blessed last few years! This is a huge part of my testimony and I hope it encourages you. God is so kind to open our eyes so that we may finally and truly see.

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    2 時間 51 分
  • Eternal Hellfire Untangled | Part 2 of 2 - Ep.2

    Question for you - Have you ever thought to yourself; how could someone believe in a God that tortures and burns people for all eternity? Well, in the last episode we went through many verses in the Bible showing why hellfire is not for eternity, but rather an event that comes to an end. God is love and just, and will recompense with a perfect balance for all unrepented sins committed on this earth. We learned in the last episode that the wages of sin is death in Romans 6:23 - not eternal life for the wicked.

    We also learned that it was satan's first and is his oldest trick in his book of deceptions when he said “ye shall not surely die” as the result of sin when talking to Eve in the garden of Eden. He has been using this for thousands of years because of how well it works.

    In this episode, we will go through Bible verses that are used by the majority to say that a loving God punishes people in burning hellfire for all eternity in screaming pain, torture, and unbearable agony. If you haven't, please go listen to the first episode to get clarity on this topic of hellfire. Correction: 1. I said "Mary", when I should have said "Martha." In regards to John Chapter 11. 2. When speaking of the continual shewbread in the sanctuary; the priests would replace the twelve loaves every sabbath to represent the Word of God being studied and "consumed" (spiritually speaking) each and every seventh day sabbath. This happen with us too when we study God's Word and go to church each sabbath. After all, Jesus is the "Word made Flesh". And we are called to "eat" God's Word: Jeremiah 15:16, "Thy words were found, and I did eat them; and thy word was unto me the joy and rejoicing of mine heart: for I am called by thy name, O LORD God of hosts."

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    53 分
  • Does God Really Punish the Wicked For Eternity? | Part 1 of 2 - Ep.1

    Many are worshiping God out of fear, rather than love. This stems from a doctrine that most are aware of, and is even taught by their pastors and teachers - the doctrine of eternal torment, or burning in hellfire for eternity without end. But is it a doctrine supported by the Bible? Does it reflect the character of God? Let's find out! Correction: "Nahum 1:15-16", should have been "Obadiah 1:15-16"

    For more information on Hellfire, please visit this link: https://remnantofgod.org/Hellfire.htm

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    1 時間 3 分
  • EP22: Depression and Finnish-American culture true story, Johnny didn't want heaven, & Say yes today! Around 150,000 People die each day?

    Welcome back to another episode, dear friends! We discuss true stories and talk about God's invitation for every single soul. May God bless you! Reach me: slacaustin@gmail.com

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    18 分
  • EP21: Spiritualism, the Fox Sisters, Dead Loved Ones Visiting Us? & False Second Coming of Christ

    Welcome back, in this episode we dive into some deep topics that surround the massive subject of Spiritualism. I hope this helps and blesses you in some way, God bless you!

    Reach me: slacaustin@lexul.com

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    1 時間 2 分
  • EP20: Roman Catholicism, Drugs, & Acting Career, to Healing and New Life in Jesus Christ - Brother Samuel's Testimony

    In this episode, we dive into brother Samuel's testimony all the way from the United Kingdom. Samuel shares his childhood upbringing, deep insight, personal experiences, and certain health crises and how they led him to seek for God. From being trained in a jesuit school, Samuel was taught principles that he would come to expose and protest later in life, by and through God's holy word. Come and join us to listen to what God did and is doing in Samuel's life!

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    1 時間 1 分
  • EP19: From Roman Catholicism in the Philippines, to a Personal Relationship with Jesus Christ | Bro. Ely's Testimony

    In the Philippines, Roman Catholicism and tradition passed down from generation to generation is almost well nigh universal. So much so that renactments of the crucifixion of Christ was a tradition where Ely was from. Born and raised in the Philippines, bro. Ely shares how God moved upon his heart to show his need for the Saviour and Redeemer of the world. Many trials, being in the military, hard relationships, divorce, lacking food, sin, stress, and financial issues were some of the things he faced, but God saw him through. Through another person speaking of bible topics, a dream from God, and continual thoughts coming to his mind about the sabbath, he began to learn the truths of God's holy word. Listening to what God has done through Ely has encouraged me, as well as help me to be all the more thankful for what God blesses us with, both spiritually and physically to meet our day to day needs. I hope and pray this episode encourages and blesses you in some way. May God bless you. Feel free to reach me at biblicalandfound@lexul.com - Yours in the blessed hope, Austin :)

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    44 分
  • EP18: What does it mean to be not "under the law", and "delivered from the law?" Must Christians obey the Moral Code of the Ten Commandments?

    Some who object to keeping the commandments cite Paul’s words in Romans 6:14, “Ye are not under the law, but under grace.” But, what did the apostle actually mean by that phrase? In Romans 7:1-6 Paul tells the story of a woman who is “loosed from the law to her husband.” He concludes his illustration by stating, “Now we are delivered from the law.” Some people have used this story to say that Christians do not need to keep God’s law. But is this really what the apostle Paul is saying? Join me, as I go to the Bible to see what it says on these important matters. We also look at the historical view of the moral law with protestant reformers, and even some statements of faith from other early protestant denominations. But, our question should always be: What does God's word say? I hope and pray you are blessed! Please reach out to me if you have any questions, or comments! biblicalandfound@gmail.com Yours in Christ - Austin :) Correction**: For commandment #9, the second reference should be Romans 13:9, not Matthew 13:9

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    38 分