• Raised to Walk Podcast

  • 著者: Carla Alvarez
  • ポッドキャスト

Raised to Walk Podcast

著者: Carla Alvarez
  • サマリー

  • Christ came to earth, died, and rose again not only to enable us to have eternal salvation but so that we can live a life empowered by the Holy Spirit filled by the peace of God and free from bondage and oppression. This podcast discusses what the life actually looks like with interviews with every day saints on the street and discussion on various topics. Join us for the adventure! Subscribe to the podcast, get updates at http://raisedtowalk.org/news,
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  • On Elections, Faith and Politics: Thoughts on Tuesdays elections
    Early voting has ended in the midterm elections and Election Day is Tuesday. Many in America see it as a turning point, there is much at stake. Locally, we have a big fight brewing. Ted Cruz is defending his senate seat from challenger Beto O'Rourke. You might have heard of him. I already decided almost a year ago that I would not again give my vote to Cruz (I wrote about that here), but right up until the day before early voting started, I was still conflicted about how I would handle my vote if I was not going to vote for Cruz. Should I vote for O'Rourke? Should I write in a candidate or should I leave it blank and not vote for that race at all? And what about the other races? Greg Abbott is the Number One enemy of public education in Texas and has made it his mission for the past couple of years to do all he can to dismantle it, turning it over to private companies and following the path of failure down which Devos led Michigan schools. My first thought was to write in Joe Straus as a protest against the brownshirt-like[1] actions of[2] Republicans following[3] Abbott's lead who censured Straus on his way out. (This happened to Sam Houston as well.) What to do? It was not an easy decision because I have been a diehard Republican my entire life. It is completely engrained in me to always support Republican candidates. But what do you do when the people you have always supported have acted in a way that you can no longer support? Breaking Free of Party This is going to be a long, sort of rambling post, but I promise it will come together in the end. Part of the reason I am sharing this here is that a large percentage of this site's visitors coming looking for information on the discerning of spirits. Yes, elections and voting are related. I will tell you my story to explain and it begins with a personal confession. I did not vote for Obama and I did not support him as president. I was not happy when he was elected. One day, I was driving home and a car had their Obama bumper sticker displayed and I had this overwhelming urge to ram the car. I am not making this up. The feeling was so strong that it shocked me and I thought, "What is wrong with me, this is not right." I had just come out of a very hard season and a situation where I believed I had been very wronged. I understood the importance of forgiveness . . . And I had forgiven the people involved. I had prayed to God to forgive me of my bitterness, that I chose to forgive them, and asked God to forgive them as well. This was totally out of obedience and, in the beginning, a completely intellectual exercise because I did not feel forgiving and didn't even for a long time afterward. Jesus talked about not letting those who wrong you enslave you emotionally. If we receive an unjust judgement, we are to go the extra mile. We are to pray for those who persecute us (and Christians were actually being physically persecuted when this was written), and we are to bless those who curse us. In order to get beyond the bitterness and turmoil of the situation, I had to go further than simply praying to forgive. I began praying for the people involved asking God to bless them . . . Every day . . . For a very long time. A long time because that is how long it took for God to change my heart and release the bitterness (I'm stubborn, what can I say. He has to work hard on me.) When the car incident happened, it got me thinking. Why would I ever feel this way towards someone that I don't even know who has done nothing to me other than vote in a different way than I had. It was ridiculous, there was no reason to feel that way at all . . . And I knew the problem was with me. So I began doing the same thing that the Holy Spirit had used to get my heart right before in the other personal situation . . . I began pray for Democrats. If I saw I bumper sticker, I would pray, "God, bless their hearts." As I drove by a yard sign,
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  • The Power of a Spiritual Journey: A Review of “By Faith” by Nancy Gavilanes
    Sometimes our fears hold us back from experiencing God’s blessings. Sometimes we need to be brave enough to step out of our comfort zones. ~ By Faith, Nancy Gavilanes, pg. 93 Before ascending to Heaven, Jesus told his disciples, “and you shall be My witnesses both in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and even to the remotest part of the earth. “ (Acts 1:8) From the beginning, personal testimony has been a key component of Jesus’s “marketing strategy” in spreading the message of the Kingdom of Heaven. Paul gave as validation for his message references to others who had seen the resurrected Jesus, including 500 at one time. (1 Corinthians 15:38) Peter, as well as John, assures the church that he was sharing what he himself had witnessed. (2 Peter 1:16, 1 John 1:3) He was not telling a story he had heard, but one he knew to be true because he had witnessed it first hand. As apologist Lee Strobel taught our class on Evangelism at Houston Baptist University, everyone has a testimony. If you are a believer in Christ, you have a story of how you came to faith. [1] A personal testimony where you share, “This is how I was before Christ. This is how I met Christ, and this is what he has done for me since then.” As Nicole Howe points out in her essay on Augustine’s Confessions in An Unexpected Journal, “Spiritual autobiographies give back to others what God has given to us by inspiring them with the truth of what God has done and can do through our example."[2] However, often when we think of sharing our personal testimony, we focus solely on our conversion and the time before, almost as if that is the end of the story . . . and that is not the case at all. By Faith by Nancy Gavilanes is her personal testimony of how she came to know Christ as Savior; however, it does not fall into the trap that so many personal testimonies do. The main focus of the account is one that is in Christ, one of walking it out and following where God leads even when the destinations are completely unexpected. An Unexpected Journey She begins with an overview of growing up with a Christian background, but one which did not have deep roots. Like many, she put her own goals and ambitions front and center, placing the role of God in her life on a back burner. She shares the origins of her passion for writing and her strong and determined desire to write about the premier events of the sports she loved. All of which she achieved, but, like so many, when she reached her goal she found it empty. This began her search to find the One who promised not only eternal life, but purpose and true meaning in this life as well. I have talked to people who have told me that they know they need Jesus, that they know he is who he says he is, but that “they’re not ready.” They aren’t ready to make a commitment, give up their self will, and submit to him. They fear that they may miss out on some “fun.” Gavilanes’s account is one that I have found true as well, it is only when we give our life over to God and say, “I’ll go wherever you want me to go” that we truly start living. God will take you places that you would not only never expect, but that you would have never thought you wanted to go. Gavilanes, a New York writer who loved figure skating, finds herself digging post holes to build a church in Brazil, ministering in HIV foster homes in Africa, and seeing the dead brought back to life. Coming from a culture with push button lives to one where the battle between life and death is a daily event, it gave her new insight into the impact of Jesus's words and actions. An Ongoing Story When we make Jesus the Lord of our life, it is a new beginning, a pristine new page. As we follow him, he takes us on a journey. He makes us a part of his ongoing story. By Faith is a testimony of how varied that journey can be and how different can be the circumstances in which we have to learn to follow God’s lead: learning to follow in fellowship,
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  • Psalm 23: A Praise for Spiritual Warfare
    The 23rd Psalm is familiar to many. It is a reminder of God’s faithfulness and evokes beautiful mental imagery. We can imagine beautiful hillsides, lush pastures, and the peaceful streams. Even in our Biblically illiterate culture, if people know any passage of Scripture, it is likely to be this one. It is encouragement in times of trouble, but more than that, it is a declaration of victory. We have been studying Psalms 23 for the past eight weeks in our third grade Sunday school class, going through it verse by verse. It talks about God’s love and care for us, who He is and the roles He takes in our lives. He is our Shepherd, our Provider, Our Protector, and our Guide. If you’ve read the Psalm once, I’m not telling you anything you don’t already know. But more than that, this Psalm is a battle cry. It is a song of warfare. It is a song of faith where David “calls the things that are not, as though they were.” (Romans 4:17) David’s Back Story To understand the full import of the Psalm, we have to look at David’s back story. He grew up in Bethlehem during the reign of King Saul, the first king of Israel. He was the youngest of eight brothers, and while they were off taking care of other responsibilities for the family, he had the lowly job of shepherd of his father’s flocks (the same job Rebekah was performing when Abraham’s servant happened across her. Genesis 24 ) Saul had been skating back and forth across the line of God’s commands (1 Samuel 13:7-14,) and finally he went too far. He was to completely destroy the Amalekites, but instead, he kept the plunder for himself (1 Samuel 15).[1] Because of that willful action, the kingship of Israel was removed from his family. God sent Samuel the town of Bethlehem[2] and invited Jesse, David’s father, to come as Samuel made a sacrifice. As each son came out before he, Samuel thought, “He must be the one,” but each time God said no. Like the Prince searching for Cinderella, Samuel asked, “Is there anyone else?” and so David was sent for. He didn’t even rank high enough in his family’s mind that they didn’t include him until asked. ( Samuel 16:1-13 ) When David came before Samuel, God told him, “He is the one” However, unlike Cinderella who left her pots and pans and rode off with her prince into the sunset, David went back to his sheep. And there he stayed, we don’t know exactly how long, but time passed until there was trouble at the border with the Philistines. When David was sent to take supplies to his brothers at the front, he heard the Philistines, led by Goliath, mocking the Israelites. (1 Samuel 17:22-23) This infuriated David and he asked, “Who is this pagan Philistine anyway, that he is allowed to defy the armies of the living God?” (1 Samuel 17:26) His brothers, both dismissive and indignant, asked him who he thought he was and what he could possibly do about it. (1 Samuel 17:28) Goliath had challenged Saul’s army to a one on one combat. He would face their champion and the winner would decide the war. David volunteered to be this champion, and when again mocked by his brothers, he insisted. You see, Goliath was not the first big and scary thing that David had faced. While he was out alone in the fields with his sheep, other predators had come against him. He said, “God was with me when I killed a bear and a lion, he will be with me here.” (1 Samuel 17:34-36) These little things, facing wild animals to protect dumb ones, were preparation, a building of faith . . . the making of a hero . . . for when he faced a giant and where the outcome determined the course of a nation. No pressure. You know the story. He declined the weapons of war that Saul wanted to give him and instead, stuck with his slingshot and five smooth stones. With that, he felled the giant. (1 Samuel 17:40-50) The army and the people were ecstatic. David was the man of the hour. And Saul, recognizing this popularity, kept him close. (1 Samuel 18:2)
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Christ came to earth, died, and rose again not only to enable us to have eternal salvation but so that we can live a life empowered by the Holy Spirit filled by the peace of God and free from bondage and oppression. This podcast discusses what the life actually looks like with interviews with every day saints on the street and discussion on various topics. Join us for the adventure! Subscribe to the podcast, get updates at http://raisedtowalk.org/news,

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