
  • Shir Hashirim Ch. 8 by Shira Kahn | Malbim and the parable of the soul

    Shir HaShirim #8 - the final chapter of this beautiful love song, but an unexpected ambiguity of distance and not togetherness concludes the sefer.
    My fantastic colleague, Shira Kahn, JLIC co-director at Princeton, shares beautiful thoughts based off of the fascinating readings of Ibn Ezra and the Malbim where the Song of Songs is a metaphor for the individual soul encased in the physical body. Text here:

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  • Shir Hashirim Chs. 6 & 7 by Rabbi Joe Wolfson | Ani l'dodi' x3

    Text here: https://www.sefaria.org/Song_of_Songs.6?lang=bi, https://www.sefaria.org/Song_of_Songs.7?lang=bi

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  • Shir Hashirim Ch. 5 by Rabbi Joe Wolfson | Love, Rashi, and Artscroll

    Text here: https://www.sefaria.org/Song_of_Songs.5?lang=bi

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  • Shir Hashirim Ch. 4 by Yonatan Rahmani

    Shir HaShirim 4 and 5: songs of love, longing and missed opportunities.
    Yonatan Rahmani provides commentary, alongside beautiful chanting on chapter 4. Text here: https://www.sefaria.org/Song_of_Songs.4?lang=bi

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  • Shir Hashirim Ch. 3 by Aliza Libman Baronofsky | The daughters of Jerusalem

    Shir HaShirim #2 and #3: springtime in the land of Israel, lovers longing for one another, but rivals and destructive foxes lie around them.
    Audio from Aliza Libman Baronofsky on daughters of Jerusalem in ch.3. Text here:

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  • Shir Hashirim Ch. 2 by Rabbi Joe Wolfson

    Shir HaShirim #2 and #3: springtime in the land of Israel, lovers longing for one another, but rivals and destructive foxes lie around them.
    Audio from me in ch2 pulling out some of the key features of Shir HaShirim from verses in our chapter. Text here: https://www.sefaria.org/Song_of_Songs.2?lang=bi

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  • Shir Hashirim Ch. 1 by Yonatan Rahmani

    Text for this chapter can be found here: ⁠https://www.sefaria.org/Song_of_Songs.1?lang=bi⁠

    Our first audio is from my good friend Hakham Yonatan Rahmani who shares an introduction to the work as well as beautiful chanting and interpretations of the first verses.

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    24 分
  • Iyov Ch. 42C by Rabbi Dr Sam Lebens | Professor Stump, a new knowledge

    Today is a big day. We finish Iyov and begin Shir HaShirim, the first of the megillot. Here's a thought - Iyov, a book so great, heavy and dreadful about a man who suffers - is book ended by two of the ultimate love poems celebrating different aspects of femininity, Eishet Chayil in Mishlei 30, and Shir HaShirim.
    To conclude the final mighty chapter of Job, we celebrate with two superb recordings from two of our fantastic teachers - Calev Ben Dor and Rabbi Dr Lebens (who also provides a bonus one). Two very different recordings a tribute to both the teachers and the text - אחת דבר אלוקים, שתים זו שמעתי Text here: https://www.sefaria.org/Job.42?lang=bi

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