
  • Relationship trama ep 17 (shay)
    I met Shay on the Internet we talked for a couple of days and she gave me her number then we talked for a few weeks then she came to see me. We had intercourse after we were done she jumped up and went home I was sure about that because usually females want to sit in the chill but not her she was gone we continued to talk but she was on and off type and I told her that I didn't like being on and off she needs to choose so she did and we were together we went out to eat and she even came back to my house to spend the night. One day she called me and told me she was in an accident with a guy on a motorcycle who hit the side of her car and flipped over he went to the hospital and later died it was a shocking situation for her. I didn't know what to say. She said it was his fault because she was coming out and he ran into her. After that, I Uber her to my house every once and a while to hang out. I even drove her around to help her find a car. I remember I dropped her off and went to find parking once I found parking I went inside and she saw me and jumped up and said let's go she not going to help me the lady was looking at me like she was confused I was too. I just walked in I didn't know what she was telling that lady before I came in there. Then we went to another car dealership and she needed a co-sign. And they were looking at me I only knew her for a couple of months so I wasn't comfortable with doing that. Plus I had my name already on a loan so I couldn't do it anyway she didn't get a car that day. As we were driving back to my house she started talking to someone in another language and looking at me at the same time I knew she was talking about me. I just looked and turned my head. When we got to the parking lot she called a Uber and sat in the car I went into the house and came back out she had her phone out and we sat and talked until the Uber came after she left I checked my stuff to make sure nothing was missing I didn't trust her a couple of weeks went by and you told me she had my social. My social is nowhere to be found near me she took a picture of my work id and thought the number on there was my social at that point I knew she was sneaky and I can't trust her around my stuff. She called me to give her a ride to pick her stuff up from her car. She told me that the people of the guy's family passed away and were bothering her they found her on social media and were sending threats to her. It was getting crazy when we got there she had like one hundred shoes in her trunk I picked them up and put them in my car. She then came later on to pick them up. But she left some she gave me her address and I drive to her house to drop off her things when I walked upstairs she got nervous and told me to go downstairs and wait by the car. When she came down I gave her the shoes and she broke up with me. Yes broke I am still confused about that girl she just had too many secrets for me. So I wasn't mad. --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/2millie-305/support
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  • Relationship trama ep 16 (quita part 5)
    One time I and quite were at work and we had an augment she said she was going home to kill herself I didn't know what to do so I found her mom on Facebook and told her. She didn't respond yet. Later on, talking to her too and claimed her down that night with her mom. Called and was upset that I text her on Facebook quite tried to explain what happen but her mom was very upset with him. Saying bad things about me I didn't hear her but I can tell by the way she was looking after they got off the phone all I said was that's why I stay away. I can tell when someone doesn't like me. Be it's ok so I and she were out and she made a stop at her mom's house I stayed in the car while she went inside about 10 minutes go by and she and her mom come out I can feel the vibe that she was just doing it for her so I did it for her too. But I didn't understand why she was trying to force something that wasn't there. I and I went out to go eat on the beach and we sat by the window and these young boys started coming by the window dancing and saying stuff to her like your beautiful I want you. You my girlfriend I just laughed at it. But she was upset and said it was disrespectful I ask was she ok and she said yea so I just let it go. Plus it was like 15 of them and I thought about it we could have gone out there a fight all of them but probably got jumped and lost and I didn't want my woman to get hurt because she was a fighter she would have jumped in. But then again I was like naw why fight for this situation when she wasn't fighting for me? She was cheating by talking to other men. Doing crazy things I was like now I am not taking a beating for you. We ended up leaving and they were gone I had a gift for her the car and surprised her. She was happy but couldn't forget the crazy night we had. A couple of weeks went by and she was having trouble with rent and her battery was going bad in her car. So I helped her out and told her I will give her the money so she came to the job and wanted me to leave early and I did once we got to the house I rested then we went to go get the money and I brought her a battery dude when she came back. To the house, she had a whole new attitude. She said I don't know what she wants and she is confused she changed once I helped her out. Then she said she wanted to be alone and told me to go I was so confused and upset I told her that I read the diary and knew everything about the dudes she was sleeping with. She was shocked I got in my car and drove home. She called and apologize but I was done with her at this point. She later came to the job and I signed my name off the lease to the apartment. A couple of months with she tried to come back into my life but I didn't let her. The last thing she told me was she was moving to Texas and do I want some of the deposit money I put in. I told her no. And that was it. --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/2millie-305/support
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  • Relationship trama ep 15 (quita part 4)
    We stopped working together she ended up leaving and finding another job. There was a time when one of her family members needed somewhere to stay and they said it was ok to stay with us. I was upset about it but it was ok. But the crazy part was they wanted me to give the person my key to the house. I was confused my name wasn't on the lease and I wasn't paying rent. crazy situation but I gave in and gave the person my key she stayed for a couple of months and left. She was cool and nice. Quita was having one of the moments again where she wanted to fight. But this time I think I went too far I hit her in the eye she let me go and ran to the bathroom I left the house and went to the park to chill out. she kept calling and texting me to see if I would come back I never respond to her. she then started saying the police were there and they wanted to talk. but the door had a censor on it and if ever opened so I knew she was lying eventually I went back home and saw her eye and it was black. that was the last time I ever hit a female I felt so bad every day looking at that eye. she tried to fight me again later on but I just held her down until she wasn't mad anymore and that usually worked. she was still talking to another guy so I felt like it was time to confess that I was cheating too. At this point, the relationship was over and I knew once I tell her she was most likely going to kick me out so I put the key on the table and waited for her to come. She came in and we sat on the bed and talked I told her I cheating and she got upset and told me to leave I already had my bags of clothes in the car so it was an easy getaway. Two weeks went by and she was texting me and asking how I was doing. I guess her work boyfriend didn't plan it out. We started talking again even without dinner and we danced she won me back I was filling her again. But I didn't move back in. Then she asked did I want to go to Orlando for Halloween horror nights I said hell yes. We went and had a good time. She was broke I ended up paying for everything but it was ok because I had it. The only thing was she didn't like to get on rides that sucked. There was a hurricane coming and she didn't want to be by herself so I came over to spend time with her. We ended up having intercourse two times and she didn't let me pull out. I was confused but ok with it. I was back in the house with her and she went to work I read her diary and it had every detail of the guys she slept with at her job and other men as well. It even said one of the dudes didn't pull out of her. This explains why she didn't want me to pull out if she would have gotten pregnant she wanted it to be mine but it would have been a lie. I was hurt but kept it a secret. We continued to do the same things her mom asked her did she think I am the one and she said yes but her mom. Didn't think so --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/2millie-305/support
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  • Relationship trama ep 14 (quita part 3)
    She use to always go visit her mom she had two moms one stayed close and another one stayed far away so she use to go visit the mom that stayed far away once or twice a month I found out that she had an ex up there as well she told me they had nothing going on and it was over between them. But I found out they were still talking because the ex-boyfriend was sending me all the messages that they were saying to each other quita said he was mad because she was finally moving on from him and now he was exposing her this dude had put quita and me on a website saying we were offering sex and had our phone numbers on the website quita was at work having a serious breakdown about the situation. He even tried to contact me on Facebook to tell me more about quita cheating ways. I forgave her because the messages did say she was done with him even though she was cheating on me in her relationship with her ex. We kept moving forward and I was asleep one time and I woke and she was texting a guy on Facebook the text said I could have had you and the dude replied don't you have a boyfriend I got upset at her way would she even be texting someone that type of stuff she said she was just playing but I let that go to. She did surprise me one day for my birthday and brought me balloons and other things as well nobody cared about my birthday ever since I got older so I appreciated it a lot. When we were home one time I notice quita on the phone texting a lot of looks like she was talking to someone else she put her phone down and went outside I came downstairs and grabbed her phone she was texting someone on Facebook. I blocked the guy and put her phone down and went back upstairs she came in and looked at me but didn't say anything. The next time she left her phone it had a code on it. So I had a feeling she was dealing with someone else again. One time I was laying down and her phone was going on and it was her friend she ignored it and I ask why didn't she answer she was looking nervous then she showed me her contacts and I saw her friend saved in her phone twice and I ask why she did that she didn't have an answer so she called the number it was her friend thay talking all good then they get off the phone. I say ok but that is still the explain why you have her number on her phone twice she then told the truth and said it was her ex. I was confused because I thought she cut him off but they were still talking she kept saying she was sorry and wouldn't do it again. I forgave her and stayed home but I met another girl online and started cheating on her as well. I was on a dating site one time and I saw quita on there I confronted her about it she didn't even care. When she got home we talked about and we both deleted the dating app. She use to start fights out of nowhere. So I use to fight back but just to give myself space to leave so I left and sat in my car and 10 minutes later another car came up it was her friend coming to the house. She called me but didn't know I was outside I got out of the car and her friend looked at me and could tell quita was the problem she talked to both of us and we went back in the house and went to sleep --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/2millie-305/support
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  • Relationship trama ep 13 (quita part 2)
    I went over to quota's house and we were chilling she looked over to the window and saw my wallet and grabbed it and started looking nervous I knew it was my wallet but I still ask who the wallet was and at first, she didn't want to answer then she finally told me it was her friend's wallet you came by her house before he left to go out of town I ask did they do anything she said no but I did not believe her. That was when I realized she was cheating on me just like she was cheating ok the other guy. But I did not break up with her. We was at her house and out of nowhere she started to get physical with me for no reason I think she was really into fighting and abusive relationship but I wasn't use to that. He got a little bad and someone knocked on the door we stop and quita said it was the police and she went outside to talk to them I never looked outside to see if it was them but they left. So it didn't matter we were at work and we started arguing about something I can't remember what it was but we went outside and the manager saw us and said don't hurt him quita went right in this lady face and said you not his momma and walked off I felt so bad because the lady was just playing and quita took it seriously. When I went back to work I went to the manager and apologize to her for the situation. She said it was ok. After all this me and quita ended up moving into a place together it was the first time I moved out of my momma's house so y happy to be on my own with my girl. And run a household. We had a housewarming party and her family came. I didn't invite anyone to come because know one had transportation to go as far as I lived. When I got there everybody was already there I came in the house said hey and went upstairs to take a shower when I came downstairs I went outside to talk to her brother for a little bit and then went back in the house. I wasn't paying attention to everyone but there was a little there that I didn't notice and she said hey she and said her name. I said hey back. But I think she was upset because she thought I was ignoring her on purpose then the lady took her boyfriend outside they talked then ended up leaving. Later on we sitting on the steps they are playing cards I am drunk now and the quita mom kept whispering something to the brother. And he got upset and said he drunk ma relax. After that, the mom left and the night went smoothly and everybody ended up going home. It was time for quita to graduate and I had to meet her family at the graduation I met up with them and the graduation went by smoothly. When we went to dinner when I sat down there was a person from the other side of the family that moved her seat quita saw this and sat right next to me. When it was time to pay her mom paid for everybody but not her brother. I laughed but not at him. I was a little tipsy from the drink that I had he looked at me like he had a problem. When we were standing outside I was waiting for quita and went to speak to the other brother before I can turn around he was gone. That's when I understood to keep my distance cool. But I knew what it was. --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/2millie-305/support
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  • Relationship trama ep 12 (quita)
    Now quita different I met her when I was working. She came to me and we started having a small conversation to get to know each other she told me she had a boyfriend so I felt like she was off-limits because I didn't want drama. The second time she came to me she gave me her number I guess she wants to be friends because she has a boyfriend. Or maybe she wasn't happy with him. She asked me did I want to go to the movies and I agreed to go. We started talking and texting outside of work and we went to the movies it was fun I was a little nervous but everything went well. She asked me did I want to go to her house and I said no. I had to work in the morning so I went home plus I didn't trust her like that. So I felt saver going home. She had a boyfriend that worked in the same area I lived so what she would do is drop him off at work and then come to my house and sleep with me then when he got off she would go pick him up from work now there were a lot of red flags on quita but I look passed them all thinking she was just doing this because the dude wasn't treating her right. But she was sleeping with three different dudes me, or boyfriend, and another guy. She wasn't my girl so I didn't care I made sure I used condoms on her though. She was so bold that she use to bring her boyfriend to the job and let me meet her co-workers she was even asking for me. Now I am not scared but I felt like that was messed up to be in that man's face knowing I am having intercourse with his girl so I went upstairs and stayed away until they left. When I talked to her again I told her that wasn't cool and I don't wanna be a part of any drama that might come from this. She said ok. We continue to see each other. Then she told me she was going to break up with her boyfriend he was a mommy's boy and she was tired of him. It took a couple more weeks and she finally broke up with him then me and her started dating now. I tried to keep quiet but she went to everybody at work and told them me and she were dating and they should stay away. After work one day she took me to meet her mom I wasn't ready and didn't even know we were going there. But I can tell from the way her mom looked at me that she didn't like me. But she pretended to for quita and honestly, I did the same. I will never disrespect anyone's mom so I just stayed away from that situation and tried to make quita as happy as I can. We was going to get some food at a rib shack and the line was kinda long I didn't have the patients to wait so me and her left as we were driving she hit him I was so confused because I had never been hit before I didn't even know she was mad so she pulled over and we had a little back and forth fight. I then got out of the car and tired to walk away. She then came behind me and pulled my shirt and ripped it. I then got back in the car and went to my house. I was still shocked and didn't say anything she started kissing me and we had intercourse then she went home. --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/2millie-305/support
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  • Relationship trama ep 11 (malanie part 2)
    I called her one time and it sounded like she was running I asked what she was doing she said knocking on people's doors and running at this point I felt like I was dealing with a child and started to second guess this situation. There was a time when she was stuck somewhere and she called me to pick her up she was my girl so I went and I saw her from a distance and she looked like a kid I was like what am I doing with this little girl? There was a competition because I met a girl that had everything I was looking for. So I ended up talking to her and we got close but I still had Melanie on remember one time Melanie was at my house and the other girl text me that she was coming over. So I told malanie it was time to go. But she didn't want to go. So we needed up doing it then she was ready to go as I was taking her home the girl was texting me and I think malanie saw it but she didn't say anything. After I drop her off home I went back home and spent the rest of the night with the other girl. But I didn't want to continue being with two girls so I decided to break up with Melanie threw text messages she didn't want to break up but I tried my best to help her. But it just seemed like she didn't want anything. I asked her if would she still record the videos for me and she said yes a month went by and I had a video to shoot so I picked her up and everything went well. I took her back to my house but the vibe was off so I just ended up taking her home. A lot of time went by before I saw her again but when I did we went to bayside she had a job now so she paid for the food. I was happy to see her doing good now. After that, I saw her again at the bus stop waiting for the bus look like she was trying to hide. I would have given her a ride but she was acting weird so I just kept going. That was the last time I saw her in person. But I do keep up with her on social media she has three kids now and has opened up a customized shop. She is a good person I like to see her win. I still try to reach out sometimes she answer and sometimes she doesn't. But one time I was on a dating site and saw her friend on there I said hey and tired to talk to her. I think she went back and told Melanie because now she doesn't even reply anymore. But we were over I didn't think it would matter if I talk to her friend. I guess women have a different code. But I respect that. She has too many kids any way I am not interested in her anymore. I don't think she cheated on me. I just couldn't be with a woman that didn't match my work ethic. She was more of a homebody type. We did have a lot of fun when we went out to the movies or out to eat. If she didn't have the kids I would probably try to go back with her. Because it's hard to find faithful women nowadays. But it is what it is. Whatever she doing now. I wish her luck. --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/2millie-305/support
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  • Relationship trama ep 10 (malanie)
    I got back on the Internet and found Melanie we talked for a couple of weeks and then decided to meet. I went and pick her up and brought her back to my house. We sat and watched tv I wanted to do something bad but she didn't so she just danced for me and then I took her home. We talked on the phone some more then we met up again now this time we needed up doing something. It was good I then took her home. I wasn't sure if I took her seriously or not because she was younger than me. But as time went by we started to get closer and I considered her my girl. when she was at my house a text went threw to her phone it was from a boy and I asked who was that she said just a friend I trusted hero and let it go. one time I remember I went to go pick her up and sometimes I have bad patients I don't like to wait she knows this because one day I left her because she was taking too long to come out. So this time she came out fast and got in the car I took her to the house and we ended up doing it but she didn't wipe her booty because she had doo an in her underwear. I still finished but I was shocked I didn't say anything to her about it I just took her home and that was it. Another time we went out to eat and after we were done we went to the park to walk around and talk. As we were walking I saw police lights by my car so we walked back and the police asked what we were doing I told them walking and talking then they ask for my address I gave it to them super fast. I was nervous the police looked at me and looked at her then ask for my license and regulations. I have it to them and they checked it and we were free to go. We never went back to that park again. Melanie wanted to spend time with me. But I was always busy so I decided to bring her into some of the things I was doing like music so I brought a camera and had her record all the music videos she was the first female I was with that supported what I did. That made her stand out to me. Every day we would go to a different location and film something. She even came with me to my first mixtape release party. We had to cancel but she was there to help me threw the process. One issue I had with her was that she didn't work. I don't mind of you don't drive but at least have something going for yourself. I told her to apply for jobs and that I will take her to the interview it took time but she finally got a call and I took her it was like 30 minutes and she came back out. Like two weeks went by and she said nothing about the job so I ask did they call she said no. And she never got called for another interview at any other job. I was starting to think she was putting in any effort and the interview I took her to wasn't real. She probably just went there and walked around. She was loyal and faithful but the fact that she didn't work or didn't have an interest in working was a turn-off to me. --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/2millie-305/support
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