In Part 2 of Episode 4, Season 2, the boys discuss the following:
- Movie genres we would like to see return to popularity
- Owen's Hidden Gem search
- Hayden's Anti-Cast List
- Doc's Erotic Fan Fiction. Full version can be found here https://movies.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=6097
- What Doc, Hayden and Owen have been watching lately.
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Intro music: TripHop (Outtake) by Original Middle Ground
Outro music: TripHop by Original Middle Ground
Other music used in this episode:
Film's Doc Hasn't Seen music: Setuniman - Intro v24m
Owen's Hidden Gems music: zagi2 - Darkwood intro Hayden's Anti Cast List music: Lost Dream - Intro
Doc's Erotic Fan Fiction: Natasha's Loop2 - zagi2