People often ask how we choose our guests. The answer is quite simple. People who've had varied and interesting careers and have a good story to tell. And it always helps if we know them.
So getting this episode's guest on was a no-brainer.
Lee Thompson has been a presenter, producer, author, head of music, TV guy... and is now part of the most listened to feature on UK radio.
He tells a bloody good story, and he has plenty of them from working at Metro, Viking, Radio 2, Box TV and more.
In this, the first of two parts, he chats to Foxy about how he heard the "phenomenal" demo of a 16 year old, future radio star; chatting with one of the 90s most iconic stars; and getting sacked from a radio station in Wales for doing something truly mad!
Look out for part two, coming very soon.
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Listen to Ten to the Top, every weekday morning with Vernon Kaye on Radio 2, or catch up with on the podcast: https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p06q6h18/episodes/downloads
Test your own level of music geekery with Lee's book, The Official Charts' Music Quiz Book: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Official-Charts-Music-Quiz-Book/dp/1789295017