The big news of the grocery retail industry this year is the proposed merger between the supermarket giants Kroger and Albertsons. Will this be a good merger?? This will create a monopoly?? It sure will! How will this affect the consumer and the associates alike? Kroger CEO says, " Our associates are the heart of absolutely everything we do." Does this include the hourly associates too?? or just the corporate ones? I guess the head and the heart are having a disconnect, huh? How can the heart be healthy when it doesn't get its 'vitamins' aka core values from its head? Thanks so much for listening! Appreciate you! Research sources: thekrogerco.com, krogeralbertsons.com, Deserts Edge(UFCW spring 23 zine) IG: @retailpeasantpodcast Please press that FOLLOW button on my Spotify page! Visit: www.retailpeasant.com