
  • MiniPod: Ep6 Talking about community services| Starting Out | English on Repeat (Easy) - MiniPod: Ep6 Ko'alia kona-ba servisu komunitáriu| Hahú | English on Repeat (Easy)
    Listen to 'English on Repeat,' a podcast to help us improve our speaking skills: What day do the bins get emptied?| Which bin goes out tonight?| There are activities at the community centre. | Our library has English classes. - Mai rona podcast 'English on Repeat,' ida ne'e atu ajuda hadia ita-nia abilidade ko'alia lian inglés : Loron saida maka lixu fatin sira hamamuk?| Lixu ida ne'ebé maka sai iha kalan ne'e?| Iha atividade balun iha sentru komunidade. | Ami nia biblioteka iha klase Inglés.
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  • MiniPod: Ep5 Filling in forms| Starting Out | English on Repeat (Easy) - MiniPod: Ep5 Prenxe formuláriu sira| Hahú | Repete liafuan Inglés (Fásil)
    Listen to 'English on Repeat,' a podcast to help us improve our speaking skills: Is this the right form?| Can you help me fill in this form?| What does this mean? | Do I have to fill in every part? - Mai rona hamutuk podcast 'English on Repeat,' ida ne'e atu ajuda hadi'a liu tan ita-nia abilidade ko'alia lian Inglés: Ida-ne'e formaluriu ida ne'ebé loos?| Ita-boot bele ajuda ha'u prenxe formuláriu ida-ne'e?| Ida-ne'e signifika saida? | Ha'u presiza prenxe parte hotu-hotu?
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  • Finding a bank account that works hard for you - Buka konta bankária ida ne'ebé serbisu maka'as ba ita-boot
    If you have a job, receive government benefits or want to pay your bills easily you’ll need a bank account. You may even need more than one. To join the 20 million customers who hold Australian bank accounts, take some time to find one that best suits your needs. - Se ita-boot iha serbisu, simu benefísiu governu nian ka hakarak selu ita-boot nia konta sira ho fasil liu tan, ita-boot sei presiza konta bankária ida. Ita-boot karik presiza liu ida. Atu tama ka inkluido iha kleinte millaun 20 ne'ebé iha konta bankária australianu nian, importante tebes atu buka hatene banku ida ne'ebé maka di'ak liu ba ita-boot nia nesesidade sira.
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    11 分
  • Does Australia's Parliament reflect society? - Austrália nia Parlamentu reflete ona sosiedade hotu ka lae?
    Australia is one of the world's most multicultural nations but our Parliament isn't. Does it matter? - Austrália hanesan nasaun ida ne'ebé multikulturál liu iha mundu maibé ita-nia Parlamentu la reprezenta multikultural hotu. Ita-boot hare ida-ne'e importante ka lae?
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  • MiniPod: Ep4 Talking about visas | Starting Out | English on Repeat (Easy) - MiniPod: Ep4 Ko'alia kona-ba vistu| Hahú | Repete liafuan Inglés (Fásil)
    Listen to 'English on Repeat,' a podcast to help us improve our speaking skills: I came to work in Australia.| I have a student visa.| What visa do you have? | I want to become a permanent resident. - Mai rona 'English on Repeat,' iha podcast ida ne'e atu ajuda no hadi'a ita-nia abilidade ko'alia lian Inglés : Ha'u mai serbisu iha Austrália.| Ha'u iha vistu estudante nian.| Ita-boot iha vistu saida? | Ha'u hakarak sai rezidente permanente.
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  • Are you breaching copyright when using social media? - Ita-boot viola direitu autór nian bainhira uza mídia sosiál?
    Have you ever shared someone else’s video or music on social media without their permission? Chances are you were infringing their copyright. Understanding how copyright is applied will help you avoid awkward situations and potentially serious consequences. - Ita-boot fahe ona ema seluk nia vídeo ka múzika iha mídia sosiál lahó sira nia lisensa? Iha posibilidade katak ita-boot viola direitu autór nian. Komprende oinsá direitu autór nian aplika sei ajuda ita-boot atu evita situasaun sira ne'ebé ladún di'ak no konsekuénsia ne'ebé maka bele sai grave.
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  • MiniPod: Ep3 Talking about work  | Starting Out | English on Repeat (Easy) - MiniPod: Ep3 Ko'alia kona-ba serbisu| Hahú | Repete liafuan Inglés (Fásil)
    Listen to 'English on Repeat,' a podcast to help us improve our speaking skills: What do you do for a living? | I’m a student.| I want to start a business. |I work part-time. - Mai ita rona ba 'English on Repeat,' podcast ida ne'e, atu ajuda ita hadi'a ita-nia abilidade ko'alia lian ne'e: Ita-boot servisu saida? | Ha'u estudante ida.| Ha'u hakarak hahú negósiu ida. |Ha'u serbisu tempu-parsiál.
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  • What does January 26 mean to Indigenous Australians? - Saida maka loron 26 Janeiru signifika ba ema Indíjena Australianu sira?
    In Australia, January 26 is the national day, but the date is contentious. Many migrants who are new to Australia want to celebrate their new home, but it’s important to understand the full story behind the day. - Iha Austrália, loron 26 Janeiru hanesan loron nasionál, maibé data ne'e kontensiozu. Migrante barak ne'ebé foin mai Austrália hakarak selebra sira nia hela fatin foun, maibé importante atu komprende istória kompletu iha loron ne'e nia kotuk.
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