This Week’s Listener Question:
Even though I tried to make the holidays peaceful and wonderful for my family, everything seemed to blow up in my face. How is it that you can do everything “right” as a parent and your kids are still going through major mental health issues?
Would you like to be with Laura and Christine as they record their 100th Soul Enchilada episode? If so, email Laura at laura@3oclockwakeup.com to reserve your seat. The recording will be done the week of January 20, 2025. We hope you’ll be a part of this fun event!
SOUL Group Questions:
To build connection with a friend or in your Soul Group, ask each other these questions.
1. What mental health issues are talked about in your family? Which ones are kept secret?
2. Why do you think some emotions or experiences are easier to talk about then others, even though they’re universal?
3. How has a painful experience led you towards a career path, opened a door, or invited you into a new opportunity? Share your story.
4. How can you show up, be present, listen without judgment, and lean in with love to someone who is struggling with a mental health issue?
To sign up for one-on-one grief and/or faith support with Laura, visit griefandhope.org
To ask Laura to speak at your event – laurabusse.com
Have a question for us? Send it to questions@soulenchilada.com