• Ch21-1. The Workers Used by God (Matthew 21:1-11)

    We just read Matthew chapter 21. It describes how Jesus entered Jerusalem riding a colt. In this passage, the Lord is explaining what kind of people are chosen as His workers and how they are used by Him. Who then are those used by God? He uses those who have been loosed from their worldly ties. Those who are tied to the world cannot become workers because they still hold fast to many things of this world. Those who have been freed from the world are used by God as His precious instruments. God makes them His workers and fulfills His will through them. It’s through people who have been set free from the world that God accomplishes His work. He uses them for His work.


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  • Ch21-2. It Is Glorious to Be Used In the Work of the Lord (Matthew 21:1-11)

    I’ve just been to the In-jae Discipleship Training Center. In-jae Center is such a great place to spend a vacation and is a very nice resort if we do not work while we are there. Even though we made preparations for the Summer Discipleship Training Camp at the center, our efforts seemed minimal, despite the fact that we worked very hard. First, we sterilized the blankets that you are going to use. Then, we cleaned and dried the floor mats, and plowed the patch and leveled the lot.


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  • Ch21-3. You Shall Say, “The Lord Has Need of Them” (Matthew 21:1-14)

    In today’s Scripture passage, it is written, “Now when they drew near Jerusalem, and came to Bethphage, at the Mount of Olives, then Jesus sent two disciples, saying to them, “Go into the village opposite you, and immediately you will find a donkey tied, and a colt with her. Loose them and bring them to Me. And if anyone says anything to you, you shall say, ‘The Lord has need of them,’ and immediately he will send them”” (Matthew 21:1-3). This Scripture passage describes the event that had occurred when Jesus had arrived at a village called, Bethphage prior to His entering of Jerusalem. Jesus said to the disciples, “Go into the village opposite you. You will find a donkey tied, and a colt with her. Loose them and bring them to Me.” Truly, our Lord is the Master. One day when Jesus was walking by the Sea of Galilee, He saw Simon and his brother Andrew casting a net into the sea, for they were fishermen. Then Jesus said to them, “Follow Me, and I will make you become fishers of men.” They immediately left their nets and followed Him (Mark 1:16-18). With those simple words spoken by Jesus, Peter and Andrew started following Him.


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  • Ch21-4. Love God First and Foremost (Matthew 21:12-32)

    I believe it is proper for a person to love and serve the Lord while living on this earth. Where should people place their hearts? People must fix their hearts on loving only the Lord. While people go on living on this earth, they cannot help but live among people because they are human beings. And human beings are social animals. Also, because they are created beings, they live in a world made by God. Yet, what is the proper way for people to live? We must have the correct knowledge of this, and we must live our lives according to our conviction.


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  • Ch21-5. The Relationship between The Work of John the Baptist and the Gospel of Atonement for Our Sins (Matthew 21:32)

    About John the Baptist, it is written in the Gospel of John chapter 1 verses 6-7, “There was a man sent from God, whose name was John. This man came for a witness, to bear witness of the Light, that all through him might believe.” In this passage, the Apostle John is bearing witness to the importance of the baptism John the Baptist gave Jesus with regard to the gospel of the salvation.
    Here, speaking of John the Baptist, Jesus says, “This man came for a witness, to bear witness of the Light.” In this passage, He bears witness to the fact that it was none other than John the Baptist who had passed on all sins of the world through the baptism He received. John the Baptist bore witness to Jesus in order “that all through him might believe.” The Apostle John tells us that through the witnessing of John the Baptist, all the people in the world are able to believe in the Truth which states that Jesus has saved all sinners by the baptism He received and the blood of the Cross.


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  • Ch21-6. One’s Own Thinking Which Opposes God (Matthew 21:44)

    Today, we will share about one’s own thought that opposes God through the passage from Matthew chapter 21 verse 44. The Lord said, “Whoever falls on this stone will be broken.” Jesus said those words to the Pharisees and the chief priests. But even in this day and age, there are many people who oppose God with their own thinking. In other words, it is the human thought that opposes the Truth of God.
    What would happen to a person who challenges God with his or her own thinking? Dear fellow believers, what would happen if a boulder were to fall on top of one’s head? His or her head would break. Jesus said a person challenging God with his or her own thinking will be broken, as it is written, “If one were to fall on this stone, the person will be broken.” If one were to stand against the gospel of the water and the Spirit of God with his or her own thinking, the person will completely break into pieces.


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    1 時間 27 分
  • Ch21-7. Philosophical Ministers Oppose the Gospel of Jesus (Matthew 21:44)

    In today’s Scripture passage, the Lord says, “And whoever falls on this stone will be broken.” This passage means that God will judge those who challenge Him. Today, I would like to speak about those who oppose God with their own thinking, especially with their philosophical thoughts. As in the past, and in this day and age, there are many people who oppose God, and the reality of what opposes God is none other than human thinking.
    How do people oppose God? It is philosophical human thinking that makes people oppose God the most. Human thinking itself opposes God. Does this mean that Christians can also oppose God? Yes, it does. Christians also oppose God when their thoughts have prevailed over the Word of God.


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  • Ch22-1. Only Those Wearing the Garment of the Water and The Blood Can Attend the Feast in Heaven (Matthew 22:1-14)

    Summer Discipleship Training Camp begins August 13th. Yesterday, I visited In-jae Discipleship Training Center (DTC), and it was truly a blessing. This year, many flowers were planted in the front garden of the retreat center, and a swimming pool was also built there. The valley stream was swollen by recent heavy rains, and the water came up to the level where it was splashing against the bottom part of the bridge that we had built at the training center entrance.


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