• Ch24-1. Prepare for the Second Coming of the Lord (Matthew 24:7-31)

    A thought occurred to me, “How much time from this moment on will be left for the righteous to gather together and offer worship?” I think about 10 years should be sufficient. And, I worry over how we, the righteous, will endure when the tribulation truly arrives until the time of the rapture. However, on the other hand, a feeling of thankfulness also arises. It is because I have thought about the fact that if we were to stay alive until the rapture we would be able to taste the glory of getting raised before the Lord and having been changed without having suffered death. By saying, “Behold, I tell you a mystery: We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changedin a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet” (1 Corinthians 15:51), the Apostle Paul told us that if we were to stay alive until that moment, we shall all be changed in the twinkling of an eye, be caught up in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air (1 Thessalonians 4:17). Therefore, I don’t know whether to say to you that you and I have been born into good times or to say that you and I have been born into bad times. It is because a life of faith isn’t a theory but rather a reality.


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  • Ch24-2. Cast away Your Selfishness In the Last Days and Keep Your Faith (Matthew 24:9-14)

    I went to Injae on this Monday. We the staff workers discussed future planning at the Injae Retreat Center and came back on Tuesday. It took four and a half hours because it was the last day of the big holidays and there was a serious traffic jam. Big holidays are, indeed, big holidays. Only one and a half hours distance took four and a half hours. Have you enjoyed your holidays? Did you have delicious foods?
    Today we read the Scripture starting from Matthew 24:9. Here our topic is about the Great Seven Year Tribulation. “Then they will deliver you up to tribulation and kill you, and you will be hated by all nations for My name’s sake. And then many will be offended, will betray one another, and will hate one another. Then many false prophets will rise up and deceive many. And because lawlessness will abound, the love of many will grow cold.”


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  • Ch24-3. Recognize the Coming of The Tribulation and Defend Your Faith (Matthew 24:29-31)

    In today’s Scripture passage we read these words, “after the tribulation of those days,” it tells us in this verse that there really will be great tribulation on the earth. There will be natural calamities such as: terrible pestilences, wars and earthquakes, as well as calamities caused by humans. These are things Scripture mentions as the tribulation. It clearly says the sun will be darkened immediately after the entire tribulation has passed. We should be giving this much consideration instead of simply thinking that; “These are things that will happen in the end time.” We just cannot afford to glance it over if we were to apply this passage to our own lives.


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    1 時間 10 分
  • Ch24-4. What Will Happen After the Tribulation? (Matthew 24:29-31)

    We will look at today’s Scripture passage, and we will study what will happen after the Tribulation and what God wants to teach us concerning it. The Lord said, “Immediately after the Tribulation of those days the sun will be darkened, and the moon will not give its light; the stars will fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens will be shaken.”
    The first part of Matthew 24 says that many of us who are born again will be handed over to death and others that are alive will endure untold hatred and persecution from all people until the end. These that are alive will not suffer physical death until they have received their salvation. When the Tribulation comes upon this land, there will be some people of God who will be martyred and some who will even hide in underground drainage pipes until the Day of the Lord’s appearance. Simply put, this world at this time will be in total chaos.


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  • Ch24-5. Serve the Lord With the Talents God Has Given You (Matthew 24:32-44)

    In this Winter Discipleship Training Camp, there are 18 souls invited to the gospel class. I sincerely hope that our Lord may open up the hearts of these souls and let them receive the gospel. And when you pray, you should pray to God to save the souls of the attendants at the gospel class as well as your families and your acquaintances. Before you came to this camp, your ministers must have told you often that all the facilities in Injae Retreat Center would be in good condition. But it only took several hours to find out the reality. Didn’t the water pipes of the female restroom freeze up? I heard that water froze and it didn’t even come out. So, the staff members had a discussion and we promised ourselves to do better at least from this point on. I don’t know why it turns out to be so difficult for our staff members to gain favor in your sight. Now we should make flush toilets and new showering facilities in the female restroom. If God allows so, the facilities will become better this summer. As it is delightful to have a big place for worship, all the facilities in the Retreat Center will gradually become better. I hope you rest your exhausted minds and souls, and listen to the Scriptures to your hearts’ content.


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    1 時間 18 分
  • Ch24-6. Let Us Have Faith About the Last Days (Matthew 24:32-51)

    The spring rain fell for the first time in a long while. All of nature is green and flourishing from the spring rain. When it is time, nature unchangingly does what it must do. When the sun shines and the temperature rises, the skies send rain and the earth brings forth new life. From barren branches, flower buds form, and every tree flowers with all its heart as it praises the Creator God. I watch such things, thinking, “There is a time when all things are made new,” and I think of the Millennial Kingdom to be established on this earth and I am looking forward to a new heaven and a new earth.


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  • Ch24-7. Like the Wise (Matthew 24:32-51)

    I would like the Lord to come soon. If the Lord came suddenly today, I would be very pleased, but the young people here would probably say, “Oh, no, that can’t be.” Whether you are like that or not, I would like the Lord to come soon and for a new world to begin. Do you also have that desire?
    People with this desire are those who are under a lot of stress. If a person is under a lot of stress, he may wish that this damned world would quickly end. Nowadays, I have to take medicine to relieve my stress because I have been under a lot of it. I didn’t even know that such a medicine existed, but after taking it, I felt a little better. Therefore, I found out what stress is exactly. Now, it’s not that I get sick because I do not eat enough food or do not eat the right kind of food; it’s a case that I have so much stress that my nerves are on edge due to even small matters. It seems like no matter what, I have a lot of stress building up because the duties with which I have been entrusted are not accomplished quickly. This is called a mental disorder in hospitals.


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  • Ch24-8. Love the Lord More Than The Things of the World (Matthew 24:32-51)

    How have you all been? It’s raining now. When it rains like this, our hearts can sometimes get depressed for no particular reason. But, we who have been born again will continue to live for the gospel and then afterwards go to the Lord. Your fate and mine has already been decided. The Lord has saved us out of His complete love for us; we have no other way but to live our lives by trusting in the Lord and loving Him. Of course its natural since we are all too human, it is therefore still possible for us to be disheartened at times, and we share in both times of hardship and times of joy. We the righteous live for the Lord, but even for us, there are times of happiness, sadness, joy and suffering.


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