• 1. In Order to Make Us Know That the Lord Has Already Washed Away All Our Sins! (Mark 11:12-14

    As you know well, Peter is the closest disciple of Jesus who made the clear confession of faith that he believed in the Lord as his Savior, the Son of God, and the King of kings, as he said, “You are the Christ, the Son of the living God” (Matthew 16:16). In the Words of today’s Scripture passage, Jesus said, “What I am doing you do not understand now, but you will know after this” (John 13:7) while He was washing Peter’s feet. Here, we must contemplate why Jesus washed Peter’s feet and also why He said such things and look into the deep meaning of this.


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  • 2. Spend Your Money on A Worthwhile Cause (John 12:1-8)

    Jesus had raised Lazarus from the dead, who was the brother of Mary and Martha. Grateful for this, Mary and Martha held a feast in Jesus’ honor. What’s more, Mary brought a pound of very costly oil of spikenard, anointed the feet of Jesus, and washed His feet with her hair. The house was then filled with the fragrance of the oil.


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  • 3. Let Your Faith Be United With Friendly Jesus (John 14:1-14)

    The Lord, who has saved us from all the sins of the world, said, “Let not your heart be troubled; you believe in God, believe also in Me” (John 14:1). He said that He was going to the Kingdom of Heaven to prepare a place for us, and that He will return when this Kingdom is prepared. He then said, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me” (John 14:6). The Lord also said, “I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in Me, though he may die, he shall live” (John 11:25); “If you had known Me, you would have known My Father also” (John 14:7); and, “Believe Me that I am in the Father and the Father in Me” (John 14:11). And He told us, “Whatever you ask in My name, that I will do” (John 14:13).


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  • 4. Whoever Loves the Lord Has Peace in His Heart (John 14:15-31)

    This evening I would like to continue on from yesterday and share the Word from John 14:15-31, which the Lord spoke to His disciples on this earth as though He were giving His last will.
    In this passage our Lord said, “If you love Me, keep My commandments” (John 14:15). The Lord’s commandments here instruct us to never have any other gods before Him, love God the most and love each other as well. This reminds us of what the Lord said in Exodus 20:3: “You shall have no other gods before Me.” As this passage says, if we really love the Lord, then we should have no other gods but the Lord, and we should become the disciples that love the Lord more than anything else in this world. Whoever loves the Lord truthfully is compelled to preach the gospel of the water and the Spirit all over the world which is entrusted by the Lord, and to labor to save everyone’s soul. This is a natural outcome for those who love the Lord more than anything else in this world, something that comes about even without them wishing for it.


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  • 5. We Renew Our Strength Through Prayer (John 14:6-14)

    Warm greetings to everyone! This summer has been so hot that I can’t recall any previous summer that was as hot and difficult to cope with. I’ve also gained some weight, and so perhaps this made it more difficult for me to cope with the heat. The climate is getting increasingly hotter due to global warming, and putting on additional weight just made things worse for me. But even so, I am happy that the summer has gone by without too much trouble, and I thank God for watching over us to ensure our safety. Over this summer discipleship training camp, I noticed a few things that we should have done to better serve the Lord, and so we need to be more prepared for next year’s summer discipleship camp. But I am still very happy to see everyone here safe and sound.


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  • 6. All the Faith of Believing in God Is Real (John 14:1-10)

    How are you today? Today, we have read together the Gospel of John from the Word of God. Through this Word, I want to share with you the fact that faith is the reality that truly exists, not a figment of imagination.
    Dear fellow believers, the gospel of the water and the Spirit is the graceful Truth just as you and I believe. Such faith is not something humans can create out of fleshly imagination or human logic. The life of faith is believing and following the Word that God has actually spoken, not believing a figment of imagination that humans create by dreams and imaginations.


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  • 7. We Have Become The Lord’s Friends (John 15:11-17)

    Today’s Scripture passage says that God no longer treats us as mere creatures, sinners, or slaves, but He has made us His own friends. Having made us His friends, God spoke to us everything about the plan He has for us. He is telling us in detail what work He will do, and how He will accomplish this work. Servants or slaves cannot fully understand what the master is doing, nor is there any need for them to try to understand it. All that they have to do is just do whatever the master commands them.


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  • 8. If You Love the Lord and Keep His Commandments, You Will Be Filled with Joy (John 15:1-17)

    Warm greetings to all our saints gathered here. This revival meeting has been an excellent gathering. Since Monday I’ve been sharing fellowship with you, I’ve broken bread together with you, and I’ve also had a chance to see the beautiful changing colors of the fall on Mount Seorak. I’ve really enjoyed the last three days. The turning leaves of the mountains set against the backdrop of the blue sea provided some spectacular natural scenes, making our gathering that much more special. I give all thanks to God. God always blesses wherever the righteous are gathered like this. And through His amazing plan, He has led us on this occasion to make some important decisions. I am truly grateful to God. Although I wish we could stay here longer, when the evening sermon is over today, you and I must all return to each of our places and resume our work.


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