Shalom World - Voyage (Letter to the Hebrews)

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  • In a world where the divine and human often seem distant, the Letter to the Hebrews reveals the profound mystery of Christ as the perfect High Priest and mediator of the New Covenant. Fr. Richard Ounsworth OP, a biblical scholar and expert in Hebrews, guides us through the powerful intersection of Christ’s divinity and humanity. By exploring how the Old Testament points to Christ, we uncover timeless lessons of faith, perseverance, and hope. Join us on a journey through Hebrews, where we learn to "run the race" with endurance and trust in God’s promises.

    2024 Shalom World Podcasts
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In a world where the divine and human often seem distant, the Letter to the Hebrews reveals the profound mystery of Christ as the perfect High Priest and mediator of the New Covenant. Fr. Richard Ounsworth OP, a biblical scholar and expert in Hebrews, guides us through the powerful intersection of Christ’s divinity and humanity. By exploring how the Old Testament points to Christ, we uncover timeless lessons of faith, perseverance, and hope. Join us on a journey through Hebrews, where we learn to "run the race" with endurance and trust in God’s promises.

2024 Shalom World Podcasts
  • Ep 13 – The One Sacrifice

    Every time we participate in Holy Mass, we are mystically present at the one sacrifice of Christ—an eternal offering made once and for all, but perpetually present at the altar.

    In this episode of Voyage, Fr. Richard Ounsworth, speaking from the Dominican Priory of the Holy Cross in Leicester, takes us through the final chapter of the Letter to the Hebrews. He explores how the Eucharist makes Christ’s one sacrifice present to us today, uniting every altar with Calvary itself. We reflect on themes of suffering, solidarity, and the already-but-not-yet nature of Christian life, as we await the heavenly city. Chapter 13 transforms what may have originally been a sermon into a lasting letter—one that continues to speak to us across two millennia.

    Join us as we uncover how the early Christians saw the Eucharist as the fulfillment of the Old Testament sacrifices, how faith calls us to imitate the apostles, and why Christ remains the same yesterday, today, and forever.

    Bible References:

    • Gn.18-19 – Hospitality to angels and the destruction of Sodom.
    • Rom.12:15 – Rejoice with those who rejoice, weep with those who weep.
    • Ps.118:22 – The stone the builders rejected has become the cornerstone.
    • Jn.1:11 – He came to his own, but his own did not receive him.
    • Mt.9:15 – Fasting when the Bridegroom is taken away.
    • 1Tim.6:10 – The love of money is the root of all evil.

    Fr. Richard J. Ounsworth, OP, a biblical scholar and renowned expert on the Letter to the Hebrews, unveils the mysteries of Hebrews, exploring Jesus as High Priest, Creator, and the fulfillment of God’s promises. Discover how this powerful book bridges the Old and New Testaments, calling us to faith and rest in God. A profound journey into scripture’s deepest truths awaits!

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  • Ep 12 – Running the Race

    Struggling in life? What if those struggles are actually proof of God’s love? In this episode of Voyage, Fr. Richard Ounsworth OP takes us through Hebrews 12, unpacking the powerful metaphor of the Christian life as a race—one requiring perseverance, discipline, and faith.

    Just as athletes push through exhaustion to reach the finish line, we are called to endure hardships as God’s way of shaping us into His children. Drawing from the wisdom of both the Old and New Testaments, we explore how Jesus, the pioneer, and perfecter of our faith, endured the cross for the joy set before Him, and how we, too, are called to keep our eyes fixed on Him.

    Fr. Richard also dives into the ancient rhetorical device of chiasm in Hebrews, revealing how its structure places Jesus at the very heart of our faith journey. Along the way, we reflect on biblical themes of endurance, holiness, and the ultimate goal of our pilgrimage—the heavenly Jerusalem.

    Join us as we explore how suffering, rather than being a sign of God's absence, is actually the mark of our true belonging as His children.

    Bible References:

    • Heb.12:1-2 – Running the race with perseverance, Jesus as the pioneer and perfecter of faith
    • Prov.3:11-12 – The Lord disciplines those He loves
    • Heb.9:11-12 – Jesus as the high priest entering heaven with His own blood
    • 1Cor.9:24-27 – The Christian life as an athletic race
    • Deut.4:10-12 – The fearsome encounter at Mount Sinai
    • Gen.25:29-34 – Esau selling his birthright, a warning against failing in faith

    Fr. Richard J. Ounsworth, OP, a biblical scholar and renowned expert on the Letter to the Hebrews, unveils the mysteries of Hebrews, exploring Jesus as High Priest, Creator, and the fulfillment of God’s promises. Discover how this powerful book bridges the Old and New Testaments, calling us to faith and rest in God. A profound journey into scripture’s deepest truths awaits!

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  • Ep 11 - Heroes of Faith

    Faith is the map, the compass, and the journey itself for those on pilgrimage to a heavenly city. Welcome back to Voyage, where Fr. Richard Ounsworth unpacks the letter to the Hebrews in a profound yet accessible way.

    This episode explores Hebrews 11, a chapter that illustrates the essence of faith through the lives of Old Testament heroes. From Abel to Abraham, Moses, and Rahab, we uncover how faith is not mere belief but a trust in unseen promises and a conviction that shapes actions. Discover how these heroes lived as pilgrims, seeking a better homeland—a heavenly one. Dive deep into the Jewish and Christian imagination of the "city that has foundations," a vision that transcends earthly realities.

    Fr. Richard also reflects on the patterns, repetitions, and deliberate gaps in Hebrews’ rhetoric, revealing connections to Christ as the fulfillment of God’s promises. This episode is an invitation to embrace faith not as a static idea but as a transformative journey toward God’s eternal rest. Join us as we journey together in faith, hope, and trust.

    Bible References:

    • Gen.5:24: Enoch walking with God and being taken up
    • Gen.6–7: Noah’s faith in building the ark
    • Gen.15:5–6: God’s promise to Abraham of descendants as numerous as the stars
    • Gen.22:1–14: Abraham’s faith in offering Isaac
    • Ex.2:1–10: The faith of Moses’ parents
    • Rom.4:11–12: Abraham as the father of those who have faith
    • Gal.3:7–9: Faith making one a child of Abraham

    Fr. Richard J. Ounsworth, OP, a biblical scholar and renowned expert on the Letter to the Hebrews, unveils the mysteries of Hebrews, exploring Jesus as High Priest, Creator, and the fulfillment of God’s promises. Discover how this powerful book bridges the Old and New Testaments, calling us to faith and rest in God. A profound journey into scripture’s deepest truths awaits!

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