
  • Tuck The Tenacious Kangaroo

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    Podcast Written + Read + Produced in Spokane, WA by Hannah Flint, Children's Book Author and Illustrator

    In a sunny land called Hopalong Bay,

    Lived a young kangaroo who loved to play.

    Tuck was his name, with a dream so bright

    To be the best jumper and leap to new heights.

    Each morning he'd practice with a hop and a bound,His feet leaving prints in the soft sandy ground.But jumping was tricky, and though Tuck tried hard,He often fell down in the green grassy yard.

    One day at the playground, Tuck saw his friends, Bouncing and playing with flips and with bends. "Watch me!" called Tuck, with a jump to the sky, But he tumbled and fell, as the others leaped high.

    His friends giggled softly and shrugged with a sigh,"Maybe jumping's not for you, Tuck, don't even try."Tuck's ears drooped down, his heart heavy with doubt,But deep down inside, his dream wouldn't go out.

    He thought of the greats, who had failed on their way, But kept on pursuing their dreams every day. He remembered his mom saying, "Try and believe, For dreams don't come true if you're quick to just leave."

    Tuck got up and dusted the dirt from his fur,And decided to practice, no matter the blur.He hopped and he stumbled, he tripped and he fell,But each time he rose with a powerful swell.

    Days turned to weeks, and weeks into more, With each little hop, Tuck's confidence soared. His friends watched in awe as he practiced with grace, Determined and focused, a smile on his face.

    One day as he practiced, a storm rolled around, The skies turned to gray, rain poured to the ground. His friends ran for cover, but Tuck stayed to train, Jumping through puddles, and dancing in rain.

    "Tuck, you're so silly," his friends called in jest,"Why train in this weather? Come on, take a rest."But Tuck shook his head, with a fire in his eyes,"Rain or shine, I’ll keep going, I’ll reach for the skies."

    Through thunder and lightning, through wind and through rain,Tuck practiced his jumping, again and again.He knew in his heart, despite the hard test,That dreams worth achieving required his best.

    One sunny morning, with skies clear and blue, The animals gathered for something brand new. A big jumping contest was held in the park, And Tuck felt a flutter, a tiny bright spark.

    His friends were all there, the same ones who'd jeered, But Tuck stood up tall, his doubts disappeared. He took a deep breath and he started to race, With a leap and a bound, he flew into space!

    Higher and higher, he soared like a kite,The crowd gasped and cheered at the magnificent sight.Tuck landed with grace, a new record was set,He'd done it, he'd made it, his dream now was met.

    His friends ran to greet him, their faces amazed, "We're sorry, dear Tuck, we were wrong," they praised. "You never gave up, and you reached for the sky, You've shown us that dreams are worth every try."

    Tuck smiled and hugged them, his heart filled with cheer,He'd learned a great lesson, one precious and clear."It's okay if things don't always go as planned,Keep trying, keep dreaming, just take a firm stand."

    The news of his feat spread far and wide, From Hopalong Bay to the mountainside. Animals came to see Tuck the brave, The kangaroo jumper whose spirit never gave.

    Tuck taught them all, with his heart so strong,That failing is part of the journey along.For every great leap and each bound so high,Begins with a stumble and reaching the sky.

    He looked at his friends and said with a grin, "Don't let others' doubts ever make you give in. For dreams are like stars, they light up the night, Just follow your heart and reach for the height."

    So, dear children, remember brave Tuck,When things get tough and you feel out of luck.Keep trying, keep dreaming, and you'll find your way,For dreams come to those who don't give up, come what may.

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  • The Kindness Tree and Sammy The Snail

    Support Sleepy Bedtime Stories by signing up here for extra episodes! ⁠Only $2.99/Month.

    Made in Spokane, WA by Children's Book Author and Illustrator Hannah Flint

    Once in a land where the skies were bright blue,Lived a sweet little village where kindness was true.In this quaint, cheerful place, with laughter and glee,Stood a grand, ancient oak called the Kindness Tree.

    The Kindness Tree blossomed with stories and lore,Of friends finding friendship and caring much more.Its leaves were like hearts, so gentle and kind,And under its branches, a tale you would find.

    One sunny morning, young Sammy the snail, Set out on a journey, a heartwarming trail. He inched through the meadow, so slowly but sure, With a shell on his back, and a smile so pure.

    Sammy was cheerful and loved to explore, He made friends with the bees, and the birds that would soar. But sometimes the creatures would judge him too fast, For being so slow, and they'd giggle and pass.

    One day while he traveled beneath the warm sun,He saw two new faces, just having some fun.Penny the porcupine, prickly and neat,And Lizzy the lizard, with quick little feet.

    "Hello," Sammy greeted, "May I play too?" But Lizzy just laughed, "You’re too slow for our crew." Penny looked doubtful, her quills bristled tight, She wasn’t so sure, but agreed with Lizzy’s slight.

    Sammy felt sad, but he gave them a smile, And continued his journey, inching each mile. He passed by the river, and what did he see? A duckling named Daisy, stuck under a tree.

    "Help!" quacked the duckling, her voice full of fear, Sammy moved closer, and whispered, "I’m here." Though slow, he was steady, and strong for his size, He lifted the branch as she widened her eyes.

    Daisy was grateful, she chirped with delight,"You saved me, dear Sammy, you’re brave and you’re right.""You may be quite slow, but you’ve shown me today,That judging too quickly can lead us astray."

    Sammy felt happy, his heart filled with cheer, He continued his trek, with nothing to fear. He found Penny and Lizzy, still playing around, But this time he noticed, they seemed a bit down.

    "Why are you sad?" asked Sammy with care, They sighed and they told him, "It's not really fair." "We can’t find our ball, it’s lost in the wood," Sammy thought deeply, and then understood.

    With a smile on his face, he led them along,To a spot near the river, where he knew they belonged."Here’s your ball," Sammy said, as they jumped up with glee,Lizzy and Penny were as happy as could be.

    "We’re sorry," said Lizzy, her head hanging low, "For thinking that fast was the best way to go." Penny then added, "We judged you too quick, You’ve taught us a lesson that really does stick."

    Sammy just chuckled, and waved them goodbye,As the sun started setting in the evening sky.He knew in his heart, he had made two new friends,And taught them a lesson that never would end.

    So under the Kindness Tree, glowing with light, The village would gather and share tales at night. They’d speak of young Sammy, the snail with a heart, Who showed them that judging can tear us apart.

    Remember, dear children, no matter the speed,Or how someone looks, or their actions indeed,Take time to know them, be patient and true,For kindness is magic that lives within you.

    And so ends our story, with love and a plea,To always be kind, just like the Kindness Tree.

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  • Sparky Goes to the Rainbow Bridge
    This episode is about the loss of a pet and helps children understand what happens when a pet passes on. Today, we’re going to talk about something very important and, well, it might be a little bit sad. But don’t worry, because it’s a story that helps us understand where our pets go after they pass on. Have you ever had a pet that you loved very, very much? Maybe a dog, a cat, or even a hamster? Pets are our special friends who bring us so much joy and love. But sometimes, our pets get very old or very sick, and they have to leave us. It’s okay to feel sad when this happens, but today, we’re going to learn about a magical place called the Rainbow Bridge, where our pets go and are happy and healthy again. So, get cozy, maybe grab your favorite stuffed animal, and let’s listen to this story together. Remember, it’s okay to feel sad, but this story is also full of love and happy memories. Once upon a time in a small, cozy village, there lived a little girl named Lily. Lily had a furry friend named Sparky, a cheerful golden retriever who had been with her since she was a baby. Sparky was not just a pet; he was Lily's best friend. They did everything together – playing in the garden, going on adventures in the woods, and even sharing bedtime stories. One sunny afternoon, as Lily and Sparky were playing fetch in the garden, Sparky suddenly lay down and didn't get up. He looked tired and didn't want to play anymore. Lily's heart sank. She called her mom and dad, who rushed over and took Sparky to the kind, gentle veterinarian, Dr. Green. Dr. Green examined Sparky carefully and then spoke softly to Lily and her parents. "Sparky is very old now, Lily," she said. "Just like people, animals grow old too. When they get very old, their bodies get tired and sometimes, they can't play or run like they used to. It's a natural part of life." Lily's eyes filled with tears. "But why does Sparky have to get old? I want him to stay with me forever!" Dr. Green smiled kindly. "I know it's hard, Lily. Pets have a special place in our hearts, and it’s normal to feel sad when they get old and sick. But remember all the happy times you shared with Sparky. He loves you very much, and he's had a wonderful life with you." Lily's parents hugged her tight. "Sparky has given us so many beautiful memories, hasn't he?" her mom said. "He's been a part of our family and brought so much joy. Now, it's time for us to take care of him and make sure he's comfortable." Lily nodded, wiping away her tears. She gently patted Sparky's head and whispered, "I love you, Sparky." Over the next few days, Lily spent every moment she could with Sparky. They sat together under their favorite tree, watched the sunset, and Lily told Sparky all her favorite stories. Even though Sparky was tired, he wagged his tail and rested his head on Lily's lap, feeling the love she had for him. One night, as the stars twinkled brightly in the sky, Sparky closed his eyes and fell into a deep, peaceful sleep. Lily's parents explained that Sparky had gone to a place called the Rainbow Bridge, where all pets go when they leave this world. At the Rainbow Bridge, Sparky would be young and happy again, running and playing with other pets, waiting for the day when he and Lily would be reunited. Though Lily felt sad, she also felt a warmth in her heart, knowing that Sparky was happy and free from pain. She looked up at the night sky and whispered, "Goodnight, Sparky. I will always love you." From that day on, whenever Lily felt sad or missed Sparky, she would look at the stars and remember all the wonderful times they had shared. She knew that Sparky was watching over her from the Rainbow Bridge, wagging his tail and sending his love down to her. And so, Lily learned that even though pets can't stay with us forever, the love and memories they leave behind will always be in our hearts.
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  • Benny & KiKi

    Dedicate a Sleepy Bedtime Story episode to your kiddo and access more stories by signing up for our Sleepy Bedtime Stories Subscription. Only $2.99/Month. Hannah will read your child a personalized message and the story of your choice!

    This story was written and read by Hannah Flint.

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  • Curious George Learns To Ride A Bike

    Support Sleepy Bedtime Stories by signing up here for extra episodes! Only $2.99/Month.

    The ingenious little monkey who left the jungle to live with the man in the yellow hat is at it again. What happens when he sets off on his new bicycle to deliver newspapers is enough to make heads spin. He builds a whole navy of paper boats, lands in a traveling circus as a daring bicycle rider, gets an ostrich into trouble, and rescues a runaway bear.About the Author

    H. A. Rey and his wife, Margret, first introduced the world to the bighearted, fun-loving, mischievous hero Curious George in 1941, and young readers have been in love with him ever since. Curious George has been successfully adapted into a major motion picture and an Emmy-winning television show on PBS, and Pretzel and the Puppies, based on their picture books, is a streaming series on Apple TV+. curiousgeorge.com; pretzelandthepuppies.com

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    29 分
    https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/the-abcs-of-fashion-design-hannah-flint/1144055524?ean=9798855620498 Written, Read & Graphic Design by Hannah Flint Introducing "The ABCs of Fashion Design" – a captivating and educational book designed to unlock the colorful world of the fashion industry for kids! From the whimsical world of buttons to the intricate beauty of lace, and from the trendy jumpsuits to the magical journey of zippers, this book takes young readers on an exciting voyage through the alphabet, all while exploring the fascinating aspects of fashion. With its vibrant and eye-catching illustrations, "The ABCs of Fashion Design" will engage young minds and ignite their creativity, teaching them about various elements of the fashion industry in a fun and interactive way. Each letter corresponds to a unique fashion-related term, making it easy for children to grasp and remember. Whether your child dreams of becoming a designer, or simply has a curiosity for fashion, this book is the perfect companion for their journey of discovery. It not only introduces them to the basics of fashion design but also sparks their imagination and encourages them to express their own unique sense of style. "The ABCs of Fashion Design" is more than just a book; it's a gateway to a world where imagination and creativity are celebrated. Join us on this vibrant adventure and let your child's fashion journey begin!
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  • Mother of Sharks by Melissa Cristina Marquez
    ABOUT MOTHER OF SHARKS Forbes 30 Under 30 Honoree and globally renowned shark scientist Melissa Cristina Márquez teams up with award-winning illustrator Devin Elle Kurtz to create an informative, powerful picture book. With lyrical writing and gorgeous art, this moving story explores Melissa’s personal journey from inquisitive ocean-loving child in Puerto Rico to becoming the Mother of Sharks. As the sun sets over another gorgeous day at la Playita Del Condado in Puerto Rico, Meli doesn’t want to go home. She loves the ocean more than anything, and with only five minutes left at the beach, she knows exactly where her last stop should be: the tidal pools. They are small universes of their own teeming with critters and creatures of the ocean. While looking into the pools, she meets a crab, Jaiba, who takes her on a dreamlike underwater adventure, teaches her about the importance of shark conservation, and reveals Meli’s ultimate destiny: to become the Mother of Sharks. Blending the autobiographical with the fantastical, Melissa Cristina Márquez shares her incredible story not only to dispel myths about these misunderstood creatures but also to pave the way for Latinas in STEM. Paired with Devin Elle Kurtz’s vibrant, emotive illustrations, this picture book is an irresistible journey through the wonders of the ocean and, above all, a rallying cry for marine conservation. Buy it here https://www.penguinrandomhouse.com/books/713671/mother-of-sharks-by-melissa-cristina-marquez-illustrated-by-devin-elle-kurtz/
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  • Jumping Off The Library Shelves | A book of poems.
    Jumping Off Library Shelves by Lee Bennett Hopkins (Author), Jane Manning (Illustrator) Read by Hannah Flint Here is the library! Fifteen poems celebrate the thrill of getting your first library card, the excitement of story hour, the fun of using the computer, the pride of reading to the dog, and the joy of discovering that the librarian understands you and knows exactly which books you'll love. The poems in this engaging picture book are compiled by noted poet and anthologist Lee Bennett Hopkins.All pay homage to the marvels of books and reading. Accompanied by Jane Manning's colorful, imaginative illustrations, this collection celebrates the magic of libraries and is a must for every school and public library -- and it's ideal for anyone who loves to visit their local library, too! Sleepy Bedtime Stories based in Spokane, WA Email hannah.joan@hotmail.com for advertising information.
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