Welcome to another quick episode focusing on a key learning point from a conversation with one of the remarkable guests on the infinite pie thinking podcast with me, Al Fawcett.
Today I go back to episode 33 with Emily Chang. Emily has more than 20 years experience, holding senior executive positions focused on customer experience, busies strategy, change management and brand building for organisations such as P&G, Apple, IHG, Starbucks and now the CEO China of McCann Worldgroup.
So I loved it when I asked Emily about the value of feedback.
I hope this gave you something to think about and of course if you want to hear more from Emily, you can always go back and listen to the whole episode. I will posting these short slice of pie episodes regularly, so maybe it will help you explore your perspective and thinking each day, and they can help you to find ways to continue to improve your performance in whatever area you are focused on at the moment.
If you want to learn more about how to give and get effective feedback, then why not head over to infinitepie.co.uk and see how we can help with this, and a variety of other performance improvement skills and topics. Of course you can also reach out to me via LinkedIn, or follows us, @infinitepiethinking on instagram, where we post content to make you think. You can let me know your key takeaways from the infinite pie thinking podcast and I will look to share them in the future.
In the meantime, remember improve your thinking, improve your performance.